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BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jccb68x wrote

That’s sad. Too much of this going on lately. Great example for the youngest children who probably witnessed this from the playground.

Sadly, reflective of our society as a whole with people taking videos rather than helping out.


akanefive t1_jcdhowg wrote

I mean…kids 50 years ago would’ve taken videos of a fight if they had an easy to use camera with them at all times…


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jcdjgqp wrote

I can’t speak for kids 50 years ago. There are plenty of kids today who wouldn’t do this, and who would try to help a defenseless classmate being beaten. Apparently there weren’t any in this CRLS crowd. Let’s hope they don’t represent the student body as a whole. Just as I’d hope people coming here and making (bad) jokes about it don’t represent the kind of people currently living in Cambridge.


[deleted] OP t1_jcd9hjd wrote



BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jcdcrar wrote

They’re trash (just like you) if they let a child who doesn’t want to fight get beat up. Trash like you influencing and raising children is how we get here.


[deleted] OP t1_jcclpyc wrote



Ioseb_Hates_Money t1_jcdwdjg wrote

Oh my goodness! You're 100% right. I thought that CRLS was one of the best in the USA all this time. I thought that it was great because it was featured in Michael Moore's "What Country to Invade Next" documentary. He showed what kind of foods were served in the cafeteria.

I totally assumed that a very wealthy city like Cambridge would have an awesome school. Wow. I was wrong. But you've got to admit: The library is awesome.


chopperharris t1_jcfdord wrote

The wealthy people in Cambridge send their kids to BB&N, not Ringe and Latin