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ItWasTheMiddleOne t1_jcd4vu8 wrote

Is it too obnoxious to ask if you or other adult bystanders did anything to help out other than watch and take pictures yourselves?


akanefive t1_jcdbk7v wrote

A huge fight broke out! Nobody helped, they all took pictures!! Except for me, I posted on reddit about it!


guimontag t1_jcck7ir wrote

CRLS kids can be a bunch of fuck ups. I once left my dog tied up outside broadway market so I could run inside quickly to get milk and by the time I got out school had let out and the kids were taking turns harassing my dog by stomping at him or screaming at him. They're really a bunch of idiotic fucks.


birdprom t1_jccl5pi wrote

Doesn't make sense to judge them all based on the actions of a few.


guimontag t1_jcclemf wrote

> can be


birdprom t1_jcclo7v wrote

>They're really a bunch of idiotic fucks.


[deleted] OP t1_jccytmw wrote



birdprom t1_jcd4ci9 wrote

Honestly, after thinking it through, I regret making it into a win/lose situation by posting what I did. The experience described by u/guimontag, where their dog was harassed, sounds truly horrible, and I completely understand why they were angry enough to post that comment.


im_not_a_numbers_guy t1_jccy1ig wrote

Have you… never seen high schoolers fight? You saw a textbook example, loosely categorized as “meet bully at the library”. This sounds like literally the smallest fight that can occur (2 fighters), so chill out.


[deleted] OP t1_jccz29d wrote



chopperharris t1_jcd5sy0 wrote

why on Earth would anyone else want to get involved? It's all potential downside.


AlwaysQueso t1_jcdnvuu wrote

Even before cell phones, “swarming” is what happens during “school yard” fights. I’ve attended “rough” and “better” schools and fights have happened; same behavior. And the reason why they didn’t separate it was probably the same reason you chose to be a bystander.


some1saveusnow t1_jcdavx7 wrote

Was it eventually broken up by kids? If so, that’s often how the fights go


CraigInDaVille t1_jcfmjs0 wrote

You're on reddit, and yet you're surprised that this is what happens when school kids fight? You must only browse Star Trek Fan Fic subreddits or something...


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jccb68x wrote

That’s sad. Too much of this going on lately. Great example for the youngest children who probably witnessed this from the playground.

Sadly, reflective of our society as a whole with people taking videos rather than helping out.


akanefive t1_jcdhowg wrote

I mean…kids 50 years ago would’ve taken videos of a fight if they had an easy to use camera with them at all times…


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jcdjgqp wrote

I can’t speak for kids 50 years ago. There are plenty of kids today who wouldn’t do this, and who would try to help a defenseless classmate being beaten. Apparently there weren’t any in this CRLS crowd. Let’s hope they don’t represent the student body as a whole. Just as I’d hope people coming here and making (bad) jokes about it don’t represent the kind of people currently living in Cambridge.


[deleted] OP t1_jcd9hjd wrote



BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jcdcrar wrote

They’re trash (just like you) if they let a child who doesn’t want to fight get beat up. Trash like you influencing and raising children is how we get here.


[deleted] OP t1_jcclpyc wrote



Ioseb_Hates_Money t1_jcdwdjg wrote

Oh my goodness! You're 100% right. I thought that CRLS was one of the best in the USA all this time. I thought that it was great because it was featured in Michael Moore's "What Country to Invade Next" documentary. He showed what kind of foods were served in the cafeteria.

I totally assumed that a very wealthy city like Cambridge would have an awesome school. Wow. I was wrong. But you've got to admit: The library is awesome.


chopperharris t1_jcfdord wrote

The wealthy people in Cambridge send their kids to BB&N, not Ringe and Latin


Defiant_Neat5053 t1_jccycnd wrote

anything else mildly interesting happen to you today?


ItWasTheMiddleOne t1_jcd2q8a wrote

i saw a coyote AND a raccoon driving back from lowell last week, it was like a safari tour


akanefive t1_jcdbfex wrote

I saw a couple coyotes on the exit ramp connecting 95 and route 2--that was pretty exciting!


henri_rousseau2 t1_jcfi19c wrote

Just turned 50 this week. Kids got in fights a lot when I was young, including myself (never started them, but had girls start them with me, usually over the stupidest shit imaginable.) Some kids are always going to be like this, girls and boys. Quit your pearl clutching about kids today.