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blackdynomitesnewbag OP t1_jczgjzq wrote

This is incorrect. See my response.

Edit: I actually earned a badge of honor by having the CCC send out a notice saying to not support my petition


IntelligentCicada363 t1_jczitwu wrote

ok fair. Given that CCC claims to support most of what is in your proposal, it is clear as day that they will not stop until every apartment building in this city has been torn down.


blackdynomitesnewbag OP t1_jczk80r wrote

Here's the actual text from their email notice.

>Say NO to the Franklin Up-Zoning Petition - not on the merits but because we need the City to do a real City Plan with specific streets re.zoning, housing, green spaces, and other factors. Option: instead convene a 12 person committee: 3 members each from the Planning Board, the BZA, the Cambridge Historical Commission, and our Neighborhood Group leaders to work together to create a City Plan on behalf of City Council and CDD

It's self contradictory. Pretty clear that they'll never support any housing of any kind


IntelligentCicada363 t1_jczkobu wrote

oh my fucking god is that what they actually wrote? These people, who constantly complain about not being heard, want a committee formed exclusively of unelected, uncredentialed homeowners who clearly have a vested interest in preventing housing construction? My god. When you think these people can’t get worse, they somehow do.