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slimeyamerican t1_jddpv5x wrote

Talking to girls at bars is honestly not the socially unacceptable thing you’re treating it as being. Bars are where people-particularly single people-go to meet other people. Just talking to someone at a bar doesn’t make you a creep; when you actually start being creepy, not taking a hint, being overly pushy when you haven’t gotten any reciprocation, not noticing social cues that they don’t want to talk to you, etc.; that’s when you become a creep. If a girl goes to a bar and takes any attention whatsoever as being creeped on, that’s on them frankly.

If you follow all the social rules for not “being creepy” ever in any situation, I’m sorry, but you’re probably gonna stay single for a long time. It’s just a sad reality of human behavior that the line between flirting and creeping is very very thin and depends on being very conscious of how the other person is perceiving you.