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Comfortable-Most808 t1_jde014v wrote

Curious if there is a program that sends out texts the day before street cleaning if you input the street you parked on. Sometimes the day changes based on holidays (one random holiday got my roommate towed) or even a notification if there is going to be construction on the street (I got towed because they put fliers up only 24 hours prior to construction). As a coder, seems like a pretty non trivial thing to implement if the city can update it


zootgirl t1_jde0pg4 wrote

Somerville has this and it's SUPER helpful.


jdb12 t1_jde522z wrote

Wait they do?? Where? I'm signed up for all the other ones but not this!


zootgirl t1_jdefooy wrote

Oh, snap. Looks like they removed the text reminders. But, you can receive an email still or download a calendar. Too bad, the texts were super convenient.

ETA: It's weird, Cambridge and Somerville clearly use the same system and Cambridge has text reminders available. Maybe Somerville will turn text reminders back on when street sweeping starts up again?