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noob_tube03 t1_jeb1xw9 wrote

they took a weird line in it feels like. It almost looked like they missed the stadium. Not loud at all either, I wonder if they made flight adjustments after the last one? Glad I got out to see it, even if I froze my butt off. Better view than from inside the stadium


HippieHippo t1_jecs6vs wrote

Unlike the last one (which was insanely unreasonably loud) - this one seemed pretty much ok. Personally could do without the flyovers, but a good compromise would be to do them and just have some guidelines about how fast/low flying they can be


hareandanser t1_jec54hw wrote

I wish I had seen this earlier today! I thought a plane was crashing into my house for a hot sec and then I looked at the clock and saw what time it was and was like “oh! Baseball season just started!!”


stunkindonuts t1_jee6p7e wrote

This one was significantly less insane than the last one


BostonVagrant617 t1_jeao3xd wrote

It's fucking sad that this shit has to be announced in advanced now....


AMWJ t1_jeasgus wrote

Seems reasonable to inform people - it's loud and disturbing and annoying. If I had a baby at home who was taking a nap, I'd want to know to expect to not get anything done at 2pm today.


[deleted] t1_jeasxyf wrote



AMWJ t1_jeaur25 wrote

I'm so confused right now - you guessed correctly that I live in a loud city, so don't you also trust me that a plane flyover is occasionally way louder than anything else around this loud enough city? It's not my first flyover - I've never had warning of them before, so let me inform you that the two seconds it took to see this on the subreddit was far more pleasant than hearing a two second long explosion in the air that disrupts my meeting and thinking, "Why is it that the entire metropolitan area needs to know that there's a baseball game happening in downtown?"

Why in the world should I know that it's Openings Day? What even is Openings Day - is it the day of the first game? I know there's something called "pre-season" - is it the first day of pre-season, or is it the first day of the normal season? If there's an event at the stadium that's not a baseball game before the season, is the day of that event the Openings Day? Do I get off work? Is there Closings Day?