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InfiniteState t1_itlc0db wrote

This is Cambridge PD's most recent crime report:

Central really has gotten bad. And crime across Cambridge is way up over the last 5 years:

| 2017 | 2022 -- | -- | -- rape | 13 | 29 agg assault | 137 | 180 robbery | 36 | 67 auto theft | 69 | 127


Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itlo24w wrote

Relative. It's absolutely nothing like how it was in the 70's and 80's.


kiwi-cucumber t1_itlwap2 wrote

So? Should we not want things to improve? This isn’t the 70s or 80s, and sure, it’s better than then, but will no action be taken until it’s on par with 70s / 80s?


Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itm67ks wrote

I didn't mean to stand in the way of your pitchfork. In general, crime remains near all time lows. We are in the middle of a significant economic upheaval, which always causes social upheavals in tandem. This isn't really something specific to policy in any one city, state, country, or intersection.


jgghn t1_itom1pm wrote

It's not even how it was in the 90s.


WaitForItTheMongols t1_itmfhey wrote

A ski jumping slope goes down, down, down, and then kicks back up at the end. Yes, it's been going down for a while, but by the time you're coming off the end, things are moving upward. Absolutely nothing near where you were at the top, but you can't deny things are rising.


Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itn1n64 wrote

What is this argument? You think crime picks up momentum as it falls? What on earth? Listen, crime has surely risen since the Pandemic's economic disruption. But I am simply not going to join in on a crime panic on that small relative effect. Things will calm down when the economic situation stabilizes.


WaitForItTheMongols t1_itn77nv wrote

What makes you so confident about the economic situation stabilizing?


Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itnkk1j wrote

If you're complaining about a small uptick in crime but really believe we're on the edge of the apocalypse, it seems like I'd be wasting my efforts trying to convince you that crime is relatively quite low on a historical basis. I wish you the best of luck in your apocalypse, and maybe I will catch up with you when you emerge from your basement.