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RetiredBrainCell t1_itpze5t wrote

I know we all hate cars here but this isn’t unilaterally good. There needs to be some accommodation for those who do have/want cars


mtmsm t1_itq0zfx wrote

But there doesn’t need to be a 1:1 parking spot to apartment ratio.


RetiredBrainCell t1_itq1bpn wrote

I see your point (not everyone needs a spot so don’t make it 1:1). Buuuut what about the situation when a family or a bunch of random renters actually need more than one spot?


Skizzy_Mars t1_itq3qin wrote

Removing the minimum doesn't mean that developers can't build parking. If a family of bunch of random renters need more parking, they can rent a place that has more parking. Or they can rent parking at one of the many garages in the area that offer monthly parking rentals.


crazicus t1_itq3a79 wrote

They can pay for it at a complex that does have enough parking for them.


International_Tea259 t1_itt2yd9 wrote

Just because developers don't HAVE to build parking, doesn't mean they won't. They can still do it and charge a premium for it.


RealBurhanAzeem OP t1_itq06mu wrote

Absolutely! I don't hate cars at all. You can build the same amount of parking today you could yesterday.

A lot of people just don't own cars and it doesn't make sense to force them to have a parking spot. Just like it wouldn't make sense to force everyone to have a bike rack.


Helen___Keller t1_itq3eoy wrote

This doesn’t force the removal of parking, it stops forcing the addition of parking. More freedom, not less

Really what this will probably do is incentivize construction of multi families / townhouses / small apartments on smaller lots that are underutilized but zoned for multi family. I can think of a few on mass Ave near Arlington.

On sufficiently large projects, there’s usually enough money involved that owners are already looking to include a parking garage of some kind (attractive to wealthy tenants for “luxury housing”) and they will probably go to the zoning board of appeal anyways for other variances. Probably not much change there. Main change might be enabling some smaller projects, which generally don’t have funding to pursue zoning variances


MyStackRunnethOver t1_itq6jqe wrote

I think there’s a good deal more than “some accommodation” for people with cars in this town, even without parking minimums :p


IntelligentCicada363 t1_itqlt38 wrote

Yea, you can pay for it if you want it. Why do you expect real estate to be handed to you for free?


vimgod t1_itqmujy wrote

Let the free market decide then bozo


shoretel230 t1_itqib55 wrote

Yeah. This is where I am. I'm skeptical this will have any effect on pricing.