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IntelligentCicada363 t1_itujc2l wrote

“Car traffic is awful… when it’s in MY neighborhood” - literal NIMBY that owns a car


Candid- t1_itwpggw wrote

“Car traffic is awful… I wish we had thought of this before we allowed all this construction without parking” - everyone living in New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Beijing…

Being a NIMBY isn’t bad if you are being reasonable. I think we can all agree a garbage dump or low-level nuclear waste site in Cambridge would be bad. We purchased homes or signed leases with a certain expectation of what the community was like. That is going to change in a way that is not favorable to the existing residents. Feeling annoyed by that shouldn’t be grounds for scorn or shame.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ity4ugf wrote

When you are forcing people to live 50 minutes away just to work at a minimum wage job because you expect to have a parking space in every home in a city… I think that is worthy of scorn.


Candid- t1_itz7tji wrote

I think I see the disconnect.

  1. I think minimum wage is criminal and companies that can’t afford to pay their workers enough to live off of should go out of business.
  2. No one should have to live that far away. The city should structure its housing so that the low income people who support the city can also afford to live there.
  3. I don’t believe this law will have any impact on housing prices because it isn’t the full solution. It is an easy step 1 that drastically favors groups that are neither part of the short or long-term solution.