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Sloth_Flyer t1_itukhw4 wrote

This is the cringiest thing I’ve read all week. Literally no one gives a fuck how long you’ve lived in Cambridge and it has nothing to do with whether rent control is a good idea.


Ok_Durian8772 t1_itv7nmz wrote

Cringe away, Columbus🦥. It does have everything to do with me being here long enough to know that rent control was working, it was greedy landowners that screwed it up, and the people suffered because of it... (History is repeating itself, hardcore) Rent control kept people in the city modest. Alice Wolf never would have approved this... We're all fake excited about your new found generational wealth, but trying to exact your will onto the people of Cambridge just because you got a little piece of a $200,000 house which is now a million dollars - nobody is fooled by your antics except for people like you!