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bauncehaus t1_itvi600 wrote

Okay I’m ready to ask, what’s up with the Holden memes? Is the choice of Holden just an arbitrary MA town?


ooolooi t1_itvrnaz wrote

OP has made several posts in the past few days (under different accounts, since he keeps getting banned) all about the superiority of suburbs over Cambridge/Somerville/Brookline. He's specifying this suburb because I think he's living in Worcester and either just bought, or is considering buying, in Holden. His trademarks are being obsessed with how the city is both a ghetto and full of $2mil homes, and SUPER concerned with how many people are driving a brand new sports car


bauncehaus t1_itvspct wrote

Thank you for this thorough answer! So strange OP is holden’ this sub hostage of all subs with these posts