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devmac1221 t1_iudfe47 wrote

Rules/laws don't apply to the bike community... you didn't know?


devmac1221 t1_iudgtde wrote

No, I mean when they ride right through a red light disregarding the traffic actively going through the intersection. Doesn't matter how safely you go through it. A red light is a red light and bikes are required by law to stop and wait for the green light like everyone else. But God knows how important they all are and can't be bothered with such things


[deleted] OP t1_iudh8gq wrote

A) the only time anyone does that is when it’s clear and barely anyone does it anyways, probably < 0.5% of bicyclists

B) nobody gives a shit except you

C) what is “god”? Is that your imaginary skycult figure?

D) bicyclists don’t hurt cars when the cars run them over so not much to worry about

You boomers are such fuckin losers lol. Fuckin cry


Cattle_Aromatic t1_iudhz7y wrote

I do get pretty frustrated when I see it (I don't think the anti-bike people need any ammo) but think it's somewhat forgiveable when

A. It's protected and the other direction doesn't have a bike lane

B. Crossing the road is dangerous (something like 28) and you're only on it for a short time.

I never do it personally, but I get why someone might.


devmac1221 t1_iudjq5i wrote

  1. I'm so far from a fuckin boomer it's not even funny but go ahead and assume

  2. "God knows" can be used as an expression you fuckin clown

  3. Plenty of people care and see you asshats doing that shit all the time but please keep your biased blinders up and when you and your types get hit don't complain about car drivers

  4. You people are insufferable and delusional

  5. Cyclists get hurt because they think the world revolves them and rules don't apply and they can ride however they want with no consequences. Play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Car drivers aren't blameless by any means, but you are just as much at fault for how some of you choose to ride. But insert higher being here knows accountability isn't in your vocabulary

But please do keep your head up your ass and stay safe out there


[deleted] OP t1_iudl7p3 wrote

Oh so you’re just a dumb townie?

That’s so nice of you to cry about cyclists getting hurt in accidents that don’t happen to oddly push your carbrain agenda

You lost. 😘 go cry about some bike lanes gahahahahaha

Imagine crying about that stuff, lol absolutely cringe


LxTRex t1_iudle2m wrote

Really? I grew up in a suburb and learned to run against traffic for that reason but I was taught a bicycle is a vehicle and shares the road as such.


[deleted] OP t1_iudm3hw wrote

Yeah newsflash, bicyclists don’t really get smushed when they’re running red lights - but you’re too much of a karen to know that. Fucking cringe if you aren’t a boomer, did mommy and daddy drop you off from the suburbs or are you just a stupid townie?


devmac1221 t1_iudon9o wrote

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love how pointing out the fuckery and hypocrisy that goes on in the bike community someone is labeled a Karen lol but thats par for the course with you people these days. Anything against EXACTLY what YOU believe is met this way but it's ok

Born and raised here and have lived here for over 30 years. How long ago did you move here? 2 years ago? 3?

It's cool though, you're not interested in reality you're only interested in "your truth"

Stay delusional, stay safe


watervapr t1_iudqaus wrote

This is the same thing as complaining about bikers on sidewalks. They are only doing it because there doesn’t exist safe/convenient/clear infrastructure to ride in the correct direction. The solution is not wishing upon a star for people to behave better, but to build proper infrastructure so people don’t have to break the rules just to preserve their safety.


mistermassave t1_iudrxmw wrote

IMHO - Not sure about other places, but I can overlook it on Western Ave, even though the bike lane is one way. The alternative to get to Central Sq is to ride down River St where there is no bike lane and drivers tend to speed down that street. I figure the lane on Western is wide enough to fit two bikes and in the end they'll get to Central more safely.


extra88 t1_iudzpfe wrote

Provincial? You're the one going on about a rural way of life. And not in a way that matches my experience; I grew up in a rural area and bicycles went with, not against, other street vehicles. Only pedestrians on the side of the road walk against traffic.


extra88 t1_iue0aje wrote

Right? Also bikes going the wrong way on one-way streets without bike lanes.

However, there are some one-way streets with two-way bike lines. There's a stretch of Brattle St. in Harvard Sq. that has it; as a pedestrian, I almost got hit by a bike when it was new because I didn't know I had to start looking both ways.


jorMEEPdan t1_iue0cb2 wrote

The Harvard athletes tend to e-scooter the wrong way in the bike lanes. I’ve considered emailing their respective coaches on some of my grumpier days (they all wear backpacks with their specific team).


Bingo_Bill t1_iue23yp wrote

On Western Ave, other bikers occasionally shout at me for riding in the wrong direction. I've tried switching to the sidewalk shortly before we pass (if there are no pedestrians) and I still receive deathly glares. I wish they'd understand it's the safest route into Central, and the lane is plenty wide if we both ride at appropriate speeds.


Cattle_Aromatic t1_iue475n wrote

Cars drive in the opposite lane to pass me on a bicycle all the time, regardless of whether there's a dotted centerline. Because it's convenient! And not a huge deal if you don't pass too close (although usually you'll end up feeling silly when I pass you at the next light)


noob_tube03 t1_iue6b35 wrote

Are you mixing up passing someone with driving the wrong way down the road? Incredible. You realize it is legal to switch lanes to pass right? Or do you think traffic has to grind to a stop whenever a delivery truck makes a stop?


new_grass t1_iue6tdc wrote

Bike infrastructure is relatively new to most people, and we don't have a consistently communicated set of norms around them as we do with roads. Virtually every driver in the country has to take some sort of course and exam before they get in a vehicle. Nothing like that is true of cycling, and if there is, it's not consistent across jurisdictions. Maybe with time things will get better, but for a lot of folks, this new infrastructure is essentially appear in front of their eyes with little to no communication by the institutions creating it.

Does this excuse the behavior? No. But it shouldn't be surprising to see a certain level of anarchy with bike infrastructure in this transitional period.

Also, the nonsense that happens in and around bike lines is committed by pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. On my bike ride from North Cambridge to South End (and back) yesterday, I encountered about 10 cars parked in the bike lane, 5 pedestrians walking in the bike lane, 2 bluebike cyclists stationary in the bike lane, 1 car that almost doored me, and 1 cyclist who pulled into the bike lane from the sidewalk without looking at oncoming cycling traffic. There were also 3 cars who did not check the bike lane before turning right. This is an everyone problem.

Rather than throw shade on Reddit, just do your best to inform people of the rules of the road when you get the opportunity, even if it's just a few words as you pass someone cycling the wrong way.


Cattle_Aromatic t1_iue7ukj wrote

It's not legal to switch into the oncoming lane when there's a solid yellow centerline? It's almost as if in some circumstances everyone flouts the rules because it's convenient , and we're all fully capable of understanding when nuance is appropriate


Goldenrule-er t1_iue96xn wrote

At least they're in a bike lane!

Unless you're on Harvard or MIT campus or on portions of Mem Drive, there's no reason to be riding on the sidewalk. This includes the Mass Ave Bridge.

Okay, thanks for coming to my Cambridge Ted Talk.


vhalros t1_iueam37 wrote

We could try some traffic gardens, as a way to teach children and establish some norms. I've heard a few parents around Somerville/Cambridge discussing this, but not concrete plans.


Cattle_Aromatic t1_iuearmp wrote

I really think you're in the wrong here - that just suggests you can pass to the left, either in lane or using part of the left lane on a road with at least two lanes in the same direction - it doesn't seem to me to override the rule that you can't pass in the oncoming lane unless the centerline is dashed.


techiechica t1_iuebvjm wrote

I was confused too, but on some streets the bike lane is meant to go both ways - like on Brattle St, and that street around Irvine. 🤷🏽‍♀️


justsomegraphemes t1_iueg7a6 wrote

Who cares? Try complaining about something that actually matters.


chmeeee t1_iuepbst wrote

That’s not taught anywhere in the US. Walk/run against traffic yes, because you can jump out of the way. Bikes can’t jump out of the way and the closing speed with traffic is far higher.


portnoyslp t1_iuesra0 wrote

Sometimes people feel it's safer to ride the wrong way in the bike lane than to cross a busy street to the opposite side. I've seen that a fair amount from the BlueBike corral on Garden St; the Harvard students feel it's easier to hop onto outbound bike lane to get them inbound towards Cambridge Common (rather than cross Garden, bike down two blocks, and then cross again towards the Common).

We'll see if that changes now after the new traffic routing in that section, which should include a safer story for cyclists heading towards the Common from SE-bound Garden.


beagleboy167 t1_iuexaii wrote

I feel like there is a lack of biking-experience - people don't seem to understand that they have to follow the same traffic rules as any other vehicle. Perhaps due to a high rate of transplants from non-bikeable cities?


ClarkFable t1_iuf0e8p wrote

Breaking the rules, to preserve their safety by endangering others. Especially when riding on the sidewalk. It’s the same asshole mentality that makes certain drivers especially dangerous. Get off and walk your bike if you are afraid to follow the rules while riding.


DevilDoge666 t1_iuf5cnt wrote

All the time. In Somerville and Boston too. Almost took one out while making a safe and slow left turn in my car. Sadly, I believe a serious accident or 4 will have to happen in order for this to stop.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_iufd5ug wrote

The danger that a bike poses to a pedestrian is not even an adjacent order of magnitude compared to a car.

It is a problem. Cyclists should not be reckless. But this constant line that bikers are some how a massive threat to pedestrian safety is not backed up by data or rational thought


HaddockBranzini-II t1_iufh446 wrote

Based on what I've read in this sub and others, whichever way the cyclist is going is the right way. It can never be wrong.


nernst1963 t1_iufw92x wrote

IMO if it's: -Not crowded -Not bike lane on their side -and they pull over to get out of the way when someone going the right way comes by, Then it's Kosher


danieltkessler t1_iufyjm0 wrote

Today I saw a guy biking in the car lane the wrong way at a four-way intersection. An oncoming car honked and the biker gave him the finger and continued along his jolly way. It was... Weird.

Edit: to clarify, I'm pro-bikes, just anti-this-guy.


thisiscjfool t1_iug3lfi wrote

Here's why I do it:

  1. Safer than riding in the street
  2. Safer than riding on the sidewalk
  3. If no one else is in the bike lane
  4. If it's faster to my destination than finding another bike lane the direction I need to go

If Sommeridge had more / better bike infrastructure then no one would need to. I don't think anyone really does this with malicious intent.

And if you'd like you prove me "wrong" I'd love to hear the evidence, big shoots.


ADarwinAward t1_iugunic wrote

> Two solid yellow lines prohibit vehicles from crossing them to pass another vehicle. You may not cross these lines unless turning left when it is safe to do so.

For the record I drive. I also happen to know the laws and accept I can be ticketed if I pass a vehicle that is turning on the road by crossing the double yellow.

Just because it’s common practice doesn’t mean it’s legal. The only time you’d have a case is if the road is obstructed by an illegally stopped car or a broken down car.


ADarwinAward t1_iuguwaz wrote

You’re right. They just don’t know the law. What makes it funnier is how they’re extremely arrogant and confident about it despite it being blatantly obvious to anyone who knows how to drive

> Two solid yellow lines prohibit vehicles from crossing them to pass another vehicle. You may not cross these lines unless turning left when it is safe to do so.


Chunderbutt t1_iuh3fh1 wrote

It’s not that bike riders have no regard for the law, it’s that the law has no regard for bike riders.


dmw14c t1_iuho3i6 wrote

Fear of getting killed by a car


binghamwrongedyou t1_iujcvrl wrote

See the thing is, cars in a city take less precedence than biking, so if it makes sense to cross a double line into oncoming at a 4 way going slow (which it often does - you can wait unsafely amongst a throng of car line if you want though), the car can fuck right off. It’s quite satisfying actually, you should try it.

Literally who gives a single fuck about some idiot trapesing through in their car. Nah you can defer to everyone around you because you’re dead last on the totem poll after the city crews and garbage trucks that are of more importance!

It’s kind of comical to see the car addicts get all up in arms about stuff like this. It’s such a non city mindset, like where do these people come from? Have they even been to other cities? States? Countries?

Americans are really funny when it comes to how they just cannot handle it when someone “gets ahead” by “breaking” the “rules” 😂

Ohhhh nooo the poor Volvo got angry because the biker crossed the line ohhh nooooo! Won’t someone think of what could happen if the paint job got scratched? Oh noooo the horror! What a joke, pure nannyism
