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crazicus t1_iun9aic wrote

Joined! We needed a forum where we can actually discuss the relevant topics of the city without worrying that a single person in power can stifle the conversations they don’t like.


t1s2r3d4 t1_iunor1d wrote

I also joined. I lived in Cambridge for 30 years. Moved outside of the city a year ago, but still work here. I am disgusted by the behavior of the Moderator.


HaddockBranzini-II t1_iunh7yg wrote

Like cycling, bikes, and how drivers are basically Hitler?


crazicus t1_iunhh9a wrote

Like cycling and bikes and how drivers can be inattentive because there’s always a lot going on while driving, so we need dedicated separate infrastructure for people on bikes to keep them safer and to reduce distractions for drivers.


HaddockBranzini-II t1_iunhp5r wrote

Like bikes going down a one way street the wrong way while texting with both hands? That's not inattentive though, because it's a cyclist...


crazicus t1_iunhzgi wrote

That is inattentive, but I’m not sure what that has to do with bike infrastructure. Safe infrastructure shouldn’t be used as a pawn to reward good behavior or punish bad behavior, safe infrastructure should be a given so that all of our neighbors can travel safely.


HaddockBranzini-II t1_iunixv2 wrote

What's the point of infrastructure if the cyclist is still in the street and not the bike lane? Going the wrong way no less. And let's not get started on the ones that still need to ride on the sidewalks of the Mass Ave bridge. My problem as a pedestrian is 90% bikes. I swear cyclists are getting more cult-like by the day.

But let the circle jerk of up/down votes to continue. You're all saving the planet through your harnessing of smugness as a future energy reserve.


crazicus t1_iunjlnw wrote

I’m downvoting you not because I disagree but because I think you’re here in bad faith. There are people that are unfamiliar with the bike infrastructure, or that are just inconsiderate, but they’re not the majority. The bike lanes are used, and quite a bit, it’s just not as memorable to see people doing what they’re supposed to do.

When I see someone in a car doing something inconsiderate or dumb, I don’t want to take cars away from everyone, I just want to change the infrastructure to minimize the impact of inconsiderate or distracted drivers.

As a pedestrian, I also don’t like when people on bikes fly through without stopping for me. But I don’t think that denying safe bike infrastructure is an appropriate response to that. Mostly I would think it would make it worse.


noob_tube03 t1_iupqxib wrote

Blue bikes are a bane to any cyclist with half a brain. Any step forward in bikers safety or rights is set back 10 by them. I've seen a handful of cars drive the wrong way down the one way I live on, but you see cyclists and scooters do it daily. Acting like "we need infrastructure" is super bad faith. Most cycling infrastructure panders to the lowest common denominator. Raise the bar required for riders and I think we can get better infrastructure and more safety


crazicus t1_iuprhts wrote

No, I actually think the “lowest common denominator” deserves to travel safely too. Blue bikes are an incredibly useful tool, even for those who own their own bikes. I don’t see how blue bikes set us backwards whatsoever, the number one way to get more support for better infrastructure and rights is getting more people riding bikes.


Master_Dogs t1_iunngx8 wrote

> What's the point of infrastructure if the cyclist is still in the street and not the bike lane? Going the wrong way no less.

Because bikes are legally allowed to use the street, bike paths, bike lanes and the sidewalk (^(outside of business districts and if the local City has no further restrictions)). This gives flexibility depending on the rider's ability. Slower speed riders can use the sidewalk and bike paths. Average speed riders can use bike lanes. Faster riders can use the street, which is good for those with ebikes capable of 20+ mph.

> And let's not get started on the ones that still need to ride on the sidewalks of the Mass Ave bridge. My problem as a pedestrian is 90% bikes. I swear cyclists are getting more cult-like by the day. > >

This wouldn't be such an issue if MassDOT and DCR actually built proper cycling infrastructure on the Boston side of the river. The Cambridge side has access to the bike lanes on both sides of the roadway, but on the Boston side it's only accessible from the sidewalk. It's like complaining about traffic down a side street when the City hasn't fixed key intersections (looking at you Medford Sq area) - what do you expect will happen? People will take the easiest path possible.

> But let the circle jerk of up/down votes to continue. You're all saving the planet through your harnessing of smugness as a future energy reserve.

HELL YEAH. 🤡 It's a renewable energy too punk. 🤪


pattyorland t1_iunk48p wrote

For the next cyclist who does use the bike lane.

Also, bike lanes are part of the street, there should not be a wrong way for cycling, and riding on the sidewalk is a personal choice.

I'm sorry you experience cycling behavior that you find dangerous. But that does not excuse your collective blame and other logical fallacies.


thumbsquare t1_iup31dv wrote

There are drivers who text, there are drunk drivers. There are drivers who drive the wrong way down one way streets. There are drivers who use their cars to intentionally kill people. And yet at no point would you argue that cars make people a hazard to society, you would simply say that’s a bad driver, or like OP is saying, we need better infrastructure to idiot proof our streets.

The difference is that bad drivers get to wreak havoc from the safety of a metal cocoon. Bad cyclists win Darwin awards.