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KatinkaVonHamhof t1_iuqyvgr wrote


SheeEttin t1_iuqzxsf wrote

Because it's my fiefdom and I'll never give it up!


taylorhayward_boston OP t1_iur2s60 wrote

Because in life, not all people are going to agree with you on different topics. You don't give up and walk away when something doesn't work out, you learn and improve.


akanefive t1_iur5f9c wrote

It's not about a difference of opinion, it's about neglecting and then misusing the moderator tools. But it's all good man, enjoy ruling over the ghost town.


SheeEttin t1_iur7ie5 wrote

I don't see a whole lot of learning or improving here yet.

Walking away is also a valid option, especially if the community has made it clear they have no confidence in your moderation.

Better to die the hero than mod long enough to become the villain, but I suppose we're past that point.


taylorhayward_boston OP t1_iur7xzb wrote

The first step is to find additional moderators. Then we will work together to come up with the best approach to have a better sub.

Sometimes things take time. Rushing can cause problems.


KatinkaVonHamhof t1_iurbo68 wrote

You rushed to ban a broad, locally relevant topic, and then rushed to actively suppress feedback and conversation on the topic.

Your judgement regarding your previous actions and the path going forward is deeply skewed.

I'd suggest permanently closing this community, or handing the keys entirely over to someone with stronger communication, judgement and organizational skills.


SheeEttin t1_iur9cqs wrote

"Can" is not necessary, as we've seen your rush to judgment against bike posts is what caused this whole kerfuffle in the first place.

It's that you're either unwilling or unable to admit that you fucked up and apologize to the community that's got everyone pissed off. Instead we get non-responses like "thank you for your feedback".


taylorhayward_boston OP t1_iur03ll wrote

Because while my initial approach may have been heavy-handed, and perhaps misguided, the intent is sound - CambridgeMA shouldn't be a place where we contribute to the broad discord that's taking over the country where people are unhappy and antagonizing each other instead of working together to listen and solve problems.


akanefive t1_iurmvw8 wrote

>CambridgeMA shouldn't be a place where we contribute to the broad discord that's taking over the country where people are unhappy and antagonizing each other instead of working together to listen and solve problems

This is rich. If you really wanted to listen to people then you wouldn't have banned people and removed posts about a totally arbitrary rule based on an experience you had outside the sub. You made a rash decision and now you're trying to do damage control and you're making the sub all about you. You turned off the comments on the post where you announced the rule and you removed a post titled "Is the bike related post ban real?" THAT is the toxic behavior. People upset about getting banned or having their opinions stifled is not toxic. That's a reasonable thing to get upset about.


Lentamentalisk t1_iuteqk0 wrote

Wait wait wait. You banned everyone who said the b word because we should be "working together to listen and solve problems." Help me understand the logic there.

For christ sake I'm afraid to type out the b word for fear of retaliation! How is that "working together to listen and solve problems?" How can a community function when one side of a conversation wields ultimate power to silence all opposition?