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akanefive t1_iurl5x9 wrote

I think people would be less angry if you acknowledge that you overstepped, apologized, and listened to the suggestions that have been presented to you.

Vague promises about addressing concerns at an undetermined time in the future does little to convince me that you are actually interested in improving the discourse here.


defenestron t1_iurn624 wrote

This is all a sad attempt at damage control.

Our only hope is the new mods just oust the bozo.


SheeEttin t1_iurrghj wrote

Unfortunately that's not possible. Mods can only remove mods who join later.


defenestron t1_iurv4cx wrote

That makes a lot of sense, sadly.

Well, El Presidente is no spring chicken so hopefully he finds the integrity and wisdom that has so far eluded him and decides his twilight years are better spent not holding a community hostage.

Or just loses the single sheet of paper he uses for all his passwords.