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serve-your-aunt-tina t1_iusee33 wrote

taylor hayward makes a new account and assigns themself as new mod


taylorhayward_boston OP t1_iusfvwd wrote

I believe the accounts of all the applicants have been around for a while, and are quite different from mine. Perhaps the person who takes over would be willing to share some info about themselves, we'll see.


[deleted] t1_iuspsjf wrote



taylorhayward_boston OP t1_iusrawi wrote

I'm curious, how did you come up with your theory that u/ClarkFable and I are related in some way?


ClarkFable t1_iusx89q wrote

It's because in another thread I pointed out that many of the negative comments were from accounts that were days or months old, and that they all shared a similar infantile, entitled, reasoning. This led to my speculation that we were being brigaded by sock puppets from a small number of individuals.


EnjoyTheNonsense t1_iuu0rqv wrote

I for one am enjoying the people with comment history in r/desmoines r/bayarea and r/cedarrapids chiming in 😂


ClarkFable t1_iuu1lkg wrote

Chaos does have a certain allure to it, I suppose.


ClarkFable t1_iuswyd7 wrote

Lol. Just looks at all the posts from the haters here: most of them are months or days old. It's pretty obvious who is leveraging the sock puppets here. /u/taylorhayward_boston don't give these fools any weight, it will just embolden them.


varjagen t1_iut66yv wrote

Ngl but seeing as you also get downvoted into oblivion and seem to be pretty disliked, you really don't seem like an adequate replacement for the sake of bridge building if that's what this is about.

Just my two cents, on what the stated goal is though. Your assignment seems like it'd only cause a greater devide based on what people perceive you as, even if this is just not even remotely true. Optics often matter more than fact when public relations are involved sadly.

Edit: grammar and spelling, I'm a bitt very much dyslexic, haha

Edit 2: wanted to check out why the other dude called Clark an alt and while I didn't see suspicious behaviour (imo clearly not at all an alt account, just a reg human like all of us) I did find this. like seriously, you lot say that you want to build bridges but also say stuff like this.


ClarkFable t1_iut9zay wrote

FWIW,I stand by that comment, which was specifically targeted to the donkeys brigading the sub and launching personal attacks against the mod. And as the mod mentioned, I didn’t apply for the job. Part of me wants to, if for no other reason to enrage the donkeys, but for now I’m too busy.

And lastly, I have no interest in building bridges with said donkeys. I am however willing and interested in having good faith discussions about the pros/cons of biking infrastructure (or any other infrastructure).


varjagen t1_iutazdu wrote

While I certainly disagree with your frankness when referring to them, I can atleast appreciate you are willing to have a discussion on the matter.

The frankness also doesn't really matter if you don't become a mod as you seem to imply you wont (who am I to silence you if your words don't hold power). Just make sure to keep to your quest of an honest good faith discussion and I'm sure things will turn out well.

(notably not starting of with ad hominems, sorry for the dyslexia again, would help in that regard.)


ClarkFable t1_iutm9ju wrote

Thanks. I appreciate the thoughtful response. I am really angry that a handful of bad actors basically got the mod to resign by encouraging brigading (linking to other non-Cambridge subs for the purpose of controlling the narrative) over a single issue. Hence the downvotes on anyone who shows any support for the mod or questions the brigadiers'' motives.

Really the best way to deal with this is to just wait them out, but I guess the mod didn't want to deal with it.


Lentamentalisk t1_iutd08t wrote

Gee, I wonder why there are a bunch of new accounts in this sub after the mod blanket banned half the sub.


ClarkFable t1_iutgi0d wrote

Case in point, you're one of the people encouraging brigading from other subs. You're not even from the area.


Lentamentalisk t1_iutgrtg wrote

I'm sorry I care about one of my favorite cities I've ever lived in.