Submitted by giro_di_dante t3_ykumqx in CambridgeMA

I am a simple Italian tourist 🤌🏻 who has a very simple needs when traveling.

When I was visiting Boston, I took a day trip to Cambridge and realized right away that I had a no means to transport myself. Besides my own two piedi, which can be slow.

Fortunately, your a city has a bicicletta renting system. I was able to rent a bicicletta and use that bicicletta to move around the city for a cheap, and with maximum efficiency. This is the perfect application of a bicicletta. In my opinione, of course.

È stato un viaggio buonissimo. Thank you for the bicicletta system in your wonderful city. I hope that others come to this sub and see my post to learn about the many opportunità to rent a bicicletta and see your bellissima città on two wheels.

A la prossima!



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killerdio t1_iuvw78j wrote

Hope you tried our wonderful local Italian establishment Bertuccis. Very easy to get to on a bicicleta.


thedude2024 t1_iuwk09c wrote

Wait, we can rent bisexuals?🤣


The_Big_Sad_69420 t1_iuxbro3 wrote

Cambridge is on the same MBTA system as Boston, but this was very funny, graci.

Good copy spaghetti 🍝


new_grass t1_iuwxgqy wrote

You're doing God's work. Ciao.


DamianPBNJ t1_iuzofxe wrote

if you need some home cooking you come over to my mother's house she makes a great lasagna, mangia


noob_tube03 t1_iuvvnzw wrote

God damn tourists, can't even figure out we have a mass transit system or buses. Good riddance 🙎
