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limbodog t1_iww79j2 wrote

I think those are for groceries to go in. Amazon delivers groceries now, right?


Darkest_97 t1_iwwd1ft wrote

We had one in our apartments trash room at one point hope they didn't want it


heyeurydice t1_iwwj719 wrote

I've been seeing these left around and van drivers driving around with their doors open. I'd bet they're trying to save time to meet quotas or something. :( Thanks Bezos.


PeePooDeeDoo t1_iwx7ixs wrote

Amazon bags that hold packages. They dump them instead of bringing them back to base like they’re supposed to once they’re empty


Master_Dogs t1_iwxjup0 wrote

> and van drivers driving around with their doors open. I'd bet they're trying to save time to meet quotas or something. :( Thanks Bezos.

I started noticing this a few months ago and it seems like it caught on. I guess they figure since UPS/FedEx drivers can drive around with their doors open why can't they. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


SheeEttin t1_iwxq0gy wrote

> Amazon can track backs, drivers said — but the company “apparently” isn’t worried about it since so many are not returned.

Interesting to see this in comparison to Walmart, who tracks everything down to the packaging used to deliver to their stores.


reddiwip t1_iwyigh3 wrote

They leave them in our lobby with all the packages inside. Residents sift through them, leave the empty boxes in lobby and Amazon grabs it the next day. Makes sense if bldg has area to leave them overnight.


blindspotted t1_ix0cawe wrote

Free box! Could it be used for compostable waste?


gbrllv t1_ix19y6p wrote

I left one on the curd assuming the next Amazon driver to see it would pick it up. No such luck. I had to wait until I saw one in my neighborhood and physically return it to them.