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plantboy97 OP t1_ixjb0ya wrote

does anyone know if there is a way to contact the city to request a bollard there to prevent this in the future? I have never done anything like that but I am inspired. I wanna go to a city council meeting or something


Master_Dogs t1_ixjj7sq wrote

They're planning on doing this; see the project page for details:

Concrete curbing is the ultimate plan but the City is dumb and didn't order them soon enough, so they've been delayed. It was decided, after a lot of pushback from Bike Safety groups like Cambridge Bike Safety, to use cones and other temporary dividers to proceed with the bike lane now vs in the spring.

I imagine concrete curbing would have helped you, but drivers are notorious for ignoring biking lanes in general so... who knows.


plantboy97 OP t1_ixjjmj9 wrote

I saw them turn into the bike lane not weave through the temporary cones that are there. there needs to be concrete barrier along the road as well as a bollard at each intersection to keep cars from turning into the bike lane


Master_Dogs t1_ixjkij2 wrote

Yeah I mean that's the ultimate plan... unfortunately due to the City's poor planning the concrete barriers aren't available yet. The alternative was to not open these bike lanes until the spring, which would probably have resulted in more vehicle conflicts.

Maybe a 311 report or such like I described above could expedite installation at this particular intersection. I think that's your best bet. Sorry this happened to you. :\