Submitted by LakeIsle t3_z6yk92 in CambridgeMA


I’m newish to the city and am looking to find some good trivia nights!

Preferably more jeopardy-esque/academic, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose.

Let me know if you guys have any good recommendations!!!



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77NorthCambridge t1_iy3rudy wrote

Phoenix Landing is also on Wednesdays but starts at 7. It can get fairly crowded so you need to show up early.


bob_ross_happy_tree t1_iy542ot wrote

Someone mentioned I show up at 6 to get a seat. I thought... no way can it be that crowded and showed up at 6:30. There was a line out the door. Half of the line didn't get in by the time it started.


wombatofevil t1_iy3tvmp wrote

Plough and Stars Mondays at 7:30


CursedAerialist t1_iy3u1h3 wrote

Remnant Brewing does trivia Monday nights, and Lamplighter and Aeronaut has it on Tuesday nights! I also know that Orleans restaurant does trivia Wednesdays too


WaveBlasterer t1_iy3pyvh wrote

Joe Sent Me in Cambridge. I wouldn’t call it “academic” trivia, but it’s a nice relaxed bar vibe


doodykins t1_iy4zzme wrote

Thirsty Scholar has weekly trivia nights


SheeEttin t1_iy40c5m wrote

Aeronaut has trivia on Tuesdays.


adm7373 t1_iy518pc wrote

Mondays at Lord Hobo in Kendall


Opening-Discipline19 t1_iy5d0va wrote

There is also trivia on Tuesdays at Artifact Cider Project! I think 6 PM and 7 PM


maxout25 t1_iy4w9dz wrote

Like others said, Phoenix Landing is great on Wednesdays. I haven’t been but I believe Lamplighter does Tuesday night trivia


Sweet-Mango7199 t1_iy6vayt wrote

Aeronaut brewing company (at least the one in sommerville) has trivia


77NorthCambridge t1_iy3qfec wrote

Phoenix Landing and The Druid in Cambridge.


LakeIsle OP t1_iy3qzfg wrote

I tried contacting the Driud asking about trivia and they said they hadn't had it for YEARS!

It was like a horror movie. She hasn't lived here since 1896.... that sort of thing.

Maybe it's just an in-the-know kind of thing? Do I have to just go there?


77NorthCambridge t1_iy3rnqe wrote

I haven't been to the trivia at The Druid in a bit but it is still listed in 2022 on Wednesdays from 8-11 if you Google it.


MyStackRunnethOver t1_iy40kaf wrote

There is no trivia at the Druid since before Covid, I had the same experience as OP when I went to the Druid for trivia on a Wednesday night.

Comment OP, I'd suggest editing your comment ;)


thedude2024 t1_iy5vsaq wrote

Here is a trivia question- How many “m”s in Somerville?
