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Direct-Pressure-7452 t1_iy8542r wrote

Imagine that, a bicyclist not obeying the traffic rules


Christianstudebaker t1_iy8icpq wrote

I see just as many idiot car drivers stopping, parking, and driving in bike lanes as you see bicyclists not obeying laws. The difference however is that a bike is not a motorized steel death trap endangering others.


noob_tube03 t1_iy9pdpg wrote

I don't know why people act like bikes are not dangerous. There are plenty of e-bikes that are 50-80lbs of steel traveling at over 20 mph. Even if that alone wouldn't hurt you (and it would), just having people ignoring traffic laws and forcing other cyclists/pedestrians into traffic is extremely dangerous. This constant retort of "I don't need to obey the laws because bikes are safe" is crazy


Christianstudebaker t1_iy9wmyb wrote

I never said that bikes shouldn't have to obey the laws. I said that a car is more dangerous than a bike, at any speed. Yes there are ebikes, but they are vastly outnumbered by regular bikes, so don't use them as the generalized standard of danger in this equation. That'd be like me saying there's busses that weigh more than cars and using them as the standard