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technicolourful t1_izh3q4j wrote

Cynic here: what makes you think you’ll get your first choice?


markedsneakyinsect OP t1_izjgmtp wrote

85% got their first choice in last lottery. 94% got one of their top 3.


adtechperson t1_izjq8rl wrote

From this data, you would be pretty much assured of getting into Peabody if you make that your first choice (since they are expecting at least four spots for people without any bonus points). You are not assured of getting into G&P.

They project 19 spots for people with proximity bonus at G&P, and in the previous year there were 32 folks with proximity bonus that applied.


markedsneakyinsect OP t1_izjufct wrote

Yep, I saw those projections… i took them with a grain of salt since i didn’t see them say how their projections compared to reality last year. Thank you for digging them out!!


Admirable_Day_36 t1_izh7auq wrote

Proximity helps a lot in the lottery.


technicolourful t1_izh8dp9 wrote

Real talk: it’s not guaranteed, because Cambridge also weights income. Do you need aftercare? Which school has better aftercare placement rates?