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greyfiel OP t1_izgw3et wrote

Not trying to promote anything of mine, just a City of Cambridge event — free money, if you need to get vaxxed!


noob_tube03 t1_izh6z18 wrote

Wait so if we already delt with the shitty cvs queue nothing, but if you dragged ass you get paid? I feel like I should be able to submit a pic of my vax card for cash


SheeEttin t1_izhivvh wrote

This is just a carrot for the people who are behind.


hiruki8 t1_izimayl wrote

Get a booster then, I'm sure you're eligible for a second one if you've had one already.


mtmsm t1_izir86t wrote

No, the FDA has only authorized a single bivalent booster dose.


Rapierian t1_izj45hf wrote

$75 to risk myocarditis? Sign me up!


pattyorland t1_j0065q1 wrote

The whole reduced risk of severe covid thing is an unintended side benefit.