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charlottespider t1_izjqdgh wrote

For the love of god, do NOT leave your off-leash dog unattended in a public park. Dog poop is nasty, and imagine the dangerous situations for your dog or others, etc. What the hell is wrong with people?


t1s2r3d4 t1_izjrl8c wrote

I saw an unleashed dog get hit by an MBTA bus right in front of me on Concord Ave. There's a group of people who let their dogs run off-leash in a small grassy area just to the side of the road, and of course the dogs were chasing each other and darted into the road. I still get angry just thinking about it.


charlottespider t1_izjrww6 wrote

And it's not like Fresh Pond isn't right down the street if you really want off leash time for your dog.


snacleadr t1_izm230o wrote

Exactly Cambridge residents are so fortunate to have fresh pond, why not use it?!


analogscientist t1_izk3sdd wrote

Yeah I’m not sure how I feel about the “Karen” who called animal control bc this really is how dogs get hurt or killed.


t1s2r3d4 t1_izk6lc7 wrote

Agreed. I wouldn't call her a Karen, though. (I see your quotation marks.) I think a Karen is an entitled person who feels the rules don't apply to them. Wasn't the original Karen the woman with an off-leash dog in Central Park, NYC, who called the police on the guy who asked her to leash her dog?


qweiot t1_izkknlv wrote

i think people are calling her a karen because she followed the other woman and continued harassing her, but she was right to call AC