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devmac1221 t1_izja725 wrote

Good on calling her out but you shouldn't be following someone home. Lucky it didn't escalate to something worse. Tf is wrong with people? Obviously not OP


Rosabelle334 t1_izjitcl wrote

I was there waiting for the bus when the police arrived. Dog lady was telling the police that the second person threatened to kill her dog, and seemed to get all the bus stop people on her side. I knew there were two sides to the story, but yeah. Don’t have your dog off leash but don’t follow someone home. Person in the video said she was just walking home, but if it appears as following, that could be interpreted as threatening.


charlottespider t1_izjqdgh wrote

For the love of god, do NOT leave your off-leash dog unattended in a public park. Dog poop is nasty, and imagine the dangerous situations for your dog or others, etc. What the hell is wrong with people?


t1s2r3d4 t1_izjrl8c wrote

I saw an unleashed dog get hit by an MBTA bus right in front of me on Concord Ave. There's a group of people who let their dogs run off-leash in a small grassy area just to the side of the road, and of course the dogs were chasing each other and darted into the road. I still get angry just thinking about it.


t1s2r3d4 t1_izk6lc7 wrote

Agreed. I wouldn't call her a Karen, though. (I see your quotation marks.) I think a Karen is an entitled person who feels the rules don't apply to them. Wasn't the original Karen the woman with an off-leash dog in Central Park, NYC, who called the police on the guy who asked her to leash her dog?


mtmsm t1_izk9paw wrote

When you start chasing after someone who has not hurt or threatened you or anyone else, you’re the aggressor. Tell her to leash her dog, then move on.


guimontag t1_izlj2ng wrote

Good old hastings square park. Dog owner was a nut being that far behind her dog.


Vast_Cantaloupe3795 t1_iznqb8y wrote

My daughter (7) has a heightened fear of dogs now from being nipped by two dogs (both people in our own family). She will run and cry to avoid dogs in her space. Unleashed dogs, especially on school grounds - in her case, owners bringing their dogs along to pick kids up - is so thoughtless. I cannot stand dog owners like this. “Oh mine is a nice dog” i don’t care, other people shouldn’t be forced to accommodate your unleashed dog. Following and filming is overkill but fuck yeah on calling animal control. Just leash it.


LeslieMarston t1_izq5lz0 wrote

Wow that guy is a guy is a huge dickhead!!!! Calling animal control on some woman walking her dog.


HaddockBranzini-II t1_izxz9n8 wrote

We called the police because there were 4 guys cooking up heroin and shooting up at Dana Park in broad daylight. The police didn't show, but Animal Control came to investigate a call about an off leash dog in the tot lot. And she scurried out of that park ASAP.