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AcademicMuffin2883 t1_j0xnqub wrote

I find it funny how we all think a street parking spot is a right because we pay a basically nominal amount. Space savers, street cleaning, events etc. all elicit indignation. The street is a public shared space. Why do cars get to own it? You want to not get towed and have a car in a dense city? Park off street.


fendent t1_j0xofcr wrote

I’m all for getting cars off the street but drivers really shouldn’t have to put up with incorrect, arbitrary municipal punishment like getting towed when you were in the clear (even if this particular case may or may not be that).


whmeh0 t1_j0y0sy2 wrote

Lmao you're saying the street is a public shared space (true) and also defending space savers? Gtfo


AcademicMuffin2883 t1_j0yla15 wrote

I’m not defending them, just highlighting them as part of the angst. I think they’re ridiculous too.


coldsnap123 t1_j0xs61k wrote

Stop with this DSA “pArKiNg iS a ShArEd SpAcE” nonsense


AcademicMuffin2883 t1_j0yljl7 wrote

What is street parking then? So you own street parking? Can I place my own random metal box there, containing a few hoodies, empty Dunks, and gallons of gasoline? I’m happy to for the city to rent you municipal space but let’s do it at market rent per sq ft. Let’s use capitalism to price it. Or is that too “DSA” for you?


coldsnap123 t1_j0yw8jw wrote

Technically you can if you have the correct permits. What you put inside your moving pod is up to you. I wonder if we were in the Wild West that you folks would have the same obsession over hitching posts and watering troughs.