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IntelligentCicada363 t1_j190isn wrote

Love that you can look at cambridge PD reports and see that pedestrians are sent to the hospital almost on a daily basis after getting hit by cars, yet this is somehow some major scandal. typical.


maxwellb t1_j196wtp wrote

It's in the news because it's unusual, and it's a deliberate assault. Nothing surprising or nefarious about that.


VespaRocket299 t1_j1bm4n0 wrote

It’s probably also because Cambridge cops hate the people they’re supposed to serve as noted on Facebook and just by generally being a human being with functioning eyeballs


akanefive t1_j19uqzi wrote

Don't know if it's so much a major scandal as much as it is a crime that's been committed.


moodyDipole t1_j191r1z wrote

Exactly. I'm not condoning the behavior of the bicyclist -- we should all be careful to not hurt anyone else if we're biking or driving -- but cars are a much more significant threat to the safety of cyclists and pedestrians yet cars get away with so much dangerous behavior without cops batting an eye.


HaddockBranzini-II t1_j191aal wrote

Exactly! Pedestrians need to get out of the way when the Sainted Cyclists come. Nothing and noone else matter. Except the Doordash guys dropping off your small coffees.


akanefive t1_j198of0 wrote

Tell me, is the cyclist who hurt you in the room with us right now?


HaddockBranzini-II t1_j19bgzd wrote

Not hurt, just annoyed by smug self-satisfaction in all its forms.


mattc286 t1_j19kwvu wrote

The irony drippeth like honey from the comb


NJS_Stamp t1_j19yfoh wrote

Hello it is I, the sainted cyclist. Clear the path.