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this_moi t1_j2fowu8 wrote

I've rented 3 places in Cambridge - 1 in a complex, 2 with local landlords - and all allowed cats but no dogs.

Not being snarky, but have you looked on Craigslist? The dog/cat filters are useful and pretty accurate. I've also seen listings specify no dogs, but not say anything about cats, and most ended up saying well-behaved cats are fine.


mtmsm t1_j2fp4lb wrote

I’m pretty sure landlords cannot prevent someone with a service dog from renting, so there’s no guarantee a dog-free building would actually be dog-free.


unresolved_m t1_j2f4aph wrote

Place I live in allows cats. Haven't seen any dogs around.


DishsoapOnASponge OP t1_j2f4hri wrote

That's how my current place is, but just had someone move in that has a dog and now one of my cats is extremely aggressive, so trying to see if there's anywhere I can live where that wouldn't happen :)