Submitted by AMWJ t3_100wbf9 in CambridgeMA

My wife and I just heard a huge crash in The Port area near Central. Louder than anything I've heard from the area. It set off a car alarm after. Any idea what that noise was?



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Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j2k81q5 wrote

I heard it too. Big boom too loud to be a firework.


teeeray t1_j2km7tf wrote

Weather Balloon crash. Nothing to see here, move along folks.


rrebzyy t1_j2ka41e wrote

Heard it around 200 Broadway — it was crazy loud, no idea what it could’ve been though


AMWJ OP t1_j2kated wrote

That was the vicinity it sounded like it was coming from to me - maybe in Greene Rose Park?

Edit: We heard it from Main St.


earthfarer t1_j2kssn2 wrote

I’m near Lord Hobo and heard it in my apartment, also heard the car alarm after. I hope we find out what it was soon


irtsuki t1_j2kcacp wrote

heard and felt it at pine st. x school st. people at the park nearby also heard it. no idea what it was.


penisrumortrue t1_j2lfhft wrote

I was about half a block from where it happened -- intersection of Bishop Allen and Main St. There was a loud bang and then a MUCH larger boom with a flash of light, and smoke. My dog was freaking out so I didn't go out to check on it, but there wasn't anything obvious left in the street where it happened.


AMWJ OP t1_j2lgmlh wrote

Sounds like a firework that went off wrong. Which was probably everyone's guess, anyway. Do you know if any emergency personnel arrived?


penisrumortrue t1_j2li06f wrote

Nope. I saw a firetruck roll down Main St reeeeeeaaal slow like 10 mins later with lights on but no sirens, but it didn't stop.


irtsuki t1_j2p7wcg wrote

I think it had to do with the flyover earlier today for the winter classic. that shit was loud and they flew those f15s so god damn low. a warning would of been nice.


pjm8786 t1_j2piqov wrote

Nah that was today… this post is from yesterday. Sounded more like an explosion near central


of_patrol_bot t1_j2p7xis wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.