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Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j2oe2x0 wrote

I don't think we really feel safe enough anymore for this kind of bullshit. People hearing a sonic boom at low altitude are more likely to think this is the end than to feel some kind of patriotic pro-military shit. We are essentially at war right now, and we also have a generation of vets around who went to war and came back. Sonic booms are not what anyone wants to hear over their homes, even from friendlies.


SpyCats t1_j2oxd4t wrote

Agreed. I also think of the people who may have experienced living in a war zone and how traumatic having these flyovers must be.


sarabunnybunny t1_j2o1lbw wrote

That was terrifying


ONTaF OP t1_j2o2zap wrote

I'm really not trying to be dramatic but it was such a foreign (and loud) sound that my thoughts just jumped right to some kind of attack or bombing. I guess the news of the last year or two has kinda done a number on me, without my realizing it.


Reminds me of my parents growing up during the Cold War era, and how they've mentioned reacting similarly to these kinds of interruptions.


katalijne t1_j2o4670 wrote

It really was terrifying! I had similar thoughts, and my poor cats were so freaked out.


Akahaasu t1_j2obao9 wrote

I was half-asleep and thought the loud noise was funny, wondered if we'd been nuked


SheeEttin t1_j2p6dsi wrote

If we had, either it would be very obvious by all the buildings falling over, or you would already be dead.


_TyroneShoelaces_ t1_j2oh2ar wrote

Coincidentally, I was watching an episode of Andor, the star wars TV show, so I ran to my window hoping that some cool star wars ships had actually appeared over my place. Sadly it was not to be.


AdventurousWallaby85 t1_j2o1png wrote

Did you actually see the jets? I went outside but didn't see anything.


ONTaF OP t1_j2o227o wrote

Yes, I heard the sound first and was near my balcony door, just happened to be facing the right direction when they flew over. They were SO fast, if I'd been one second later I'd have missed 'em.


reesie_323 t1_j2o2f3v wrote

My puppy was so scared (as was I)


utollwi t1_j2shwcn wrote

Waste of money