Submitted by stunkindonuts t3_101m38p in CambridgeMA

That was messed up. Was directly below when the jets flew over. Was walking from lunch with my girlfriend and we were terrified. Our first thought was a massive explosion or attack. She grabbed me and we both fell over. I've got a bad leg and I'm on crutches, if I had fallen the other direction id be in the hospital. Rest of the street was terrified and our pets at home are mortified. That shit shouldn't be allowed. I'm an aviation fan and have seen many flyovers, not anything like that.



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ClarkFable t1_j2ogepj wrote

I love jets, but I couldn’t agree more. Flyovers are a fucking stupid way to celebrate anything. Especially for some stupid sports event that only about 1% of the population even knows about or gives a shit about.


Harmony_w t1_j2onc33 wrote

Flyovers ARE fucking stupid. Totally agree. Sorry you were so scared! I know I was the first time it happened.


taguscove t1_j2oqzyg wrote

I enjoyed the flyby. Made my day


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j2owxe3 wrote

Flying that low may have actually violated FAA and Air-force regulations


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2ox93a wrote

I appreciate aviation, but this was reckless. I used to live in a town next to an air wing, and they were a 5th as loud and you could always hear them approaching. It was insanely loud. For the sound to be so loud and come and go so quickly, the planes had to be near sonic. I hope that there's some serious complaints raised after this.


SheeEttin t1_j2p2m7f wrote

> No Air Force pilot is going to risk their career just to… show off, despite what you might have gleamed from watching Tom Cruise movies.

Military pilots do it all the time. Usually it's just drawing dicks in the sky with their flight patterns, but once in a (fortunately) long while it's actually something dangerous:

But you only ever heard about the times that it ends in disaster.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2p8e2p wrote

I come from a background of aviation and I do think jets are interesting and all, I am more just saying this seemed crazier than what I've seen in other flyovers, and I'm unsure why they approved it to be so low and fast (and therefore loud). I'm sure it was on record and I've now seen it reported in many articles, but I didn't see that beforehand and it was unexpected. I don't have to have "psychic powers" to come home and find my cat terrified and jumpy, and I don't have to poll my whole neighborhood to see many other startled people on the street with me didn't exactly appreciate it.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2p8ynf wrote

I appreciate jets and all, I come from a background in the aviation/aerospace industry. I know it was planned and on record, but I just don't understand why it needed to be so low and fast. It seemed a bit much from someone who has seen many other flyovers. I don't need to have "psychic powers" to come home minutes later and find my cat shaking, or poll my neighborhood as many others out and about were visibly upset and confused. This just shouldn't be something that's done this way.


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_j2pbk4q wrote

How long have you lived in Cambridge? This happens several times every year (Red Sox opening day, Boston Marathon, various special events). Part of city life.

Where do you think jet fighters would be attacking from? A Chinese aircraft carrier that approached the coast undetected? Canada? Think about it. I do see how it could be startling if you are new to the area.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2pc460 wrote

I don't know man. It was loud and sudden and it scared us. I've lived in the area my whole life and worked around planes, it's not usually that loud. When my brain hears "sudden extremely loud ass noise" it doesn't rationalize what it is it just thinks maybe some kind of explosion, especially with all recent news.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2pcqya wrote

Around Boston area. All the flyovers for Gillette went straight over the house I grew up in. I also lived in a town with an active air wing that would practice every day, and worked at an airport for several years. This was different, at least in my experience.


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_j2phhgo wrote

So you’re new to downtown Cambridge/Boston then? The flyovers are much louder if you’re at close range to the “target”. Much more so than if you’re several miles away.

If you were out, how did you know your pets were mortified? Did they text you or tell you about it when you got home? My dogs don’t love the flyovers, but they’re so brief it’s not a big deal. A thunderstorm is much more traumatic for the dog who is sensitive to such things.


fun_guy02142 t1_j2phs4m wrote

Flyovers have always been a bad idea, but after 9/11 they became downright terrible.


HellbornElfchild t1_j2ptfmf wrote

I've heard some flyovers before that seemed loud, but I'm in Union Square and that was so insanely loud and I guess, relatively long lasting? That I actually started shaking, and I'm not a jumpy person by any means. I've never felt a physical reaction to a sound like that before. It was wild!


betteroffsleeping t1_j2pv39p wrote

In a post 9/11 world, especially given the random acts of terrorism that we've witnessed all over, ourselves in Boston as well.... Flyovers are scary now. I think it needs to change with the times.


massmanx t1_j2qa7ss wrote

Not sure why you were downvoted. I’ve seen/heard a ton over the years but this one was louder than usual and was powerful enough that my house shook.

I confidently agree with “never heard a flyover like this”


everydayisamixtape t1_j2qfj5z wrote

I knew it was coming, but this one was particularly loud and still caught me off guard.


MrMadLeprechaun t1_j2ruq3a wrote

My house was shaking. I legit thought there was some sort of explosion going off nearby


PapaJack2008 t1_j2rwh2s wrote

Not sure how you know when your pets are mortified. YMMV.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2rxuvi wrote

I get that it's cool to see the aircraft, I'd generally agree, this time just seemed more intense and sudden. I appreciate that your comment is a different point of view and still a mature response.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2ryp6h wrote

I've had a lot of real negative comments on this and it's frustrating. I get that my original post was highly negative so it's expected, and I also understand how some enjoyed yesterdays flyover. As a second explanation, I'll say that my girlfriend and I both just really got spooked by "extremely loud and sudden noise in public." sudden things like that trigger my anxiety, especially with how many domestic terrorism incidents are in the news. For someone without anxiety, I get that this is hard to understand, falling was also traumatic as I am coming off of a serious injury. I'm no stranger to aircraft noise, I worked at a regional airport for years, and I lived in Burlington Vermont for 6 years which is home to the extremely controversial (for noise reasons) green mountain boys. I didn't mean to piss anyone off, just consider that some people might react to things differently perhaps.


stunkindonuts OP t1_j2rzbsw wrote

I understand some people may not have pets, but it's obvious. Loud noises terrify cats and rabbits. I wasn't home when the jets went over, but my roommates were, and our cat ran out of the room and hid for hours. He was startled by sudden noise the rest of the day. It's pretty easy to see the signs.


PapaJack2008 t1_j2s1d7k wrote

Still, not mortified. Terrified yes, but not mortified. I have two cats, one of who was very spooked (not mortified) and the other who woke up for 10 minutes before the sleep battle won again (also not mortified).


kewladria t1_j2s26qq wrote

Did anyone get a video of it? I was out of town but am curious.


Alan_Stanwyk t1_j2s9g9j wrote

It was incredible at the game in case you were wondering


grainzzz t1_j2spvnk wrote

For a second, I thought my neighbor's house was collapsing.


pagoodma t1_j2sw5gg wrote

Scared the living fuck out of me.


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j2va1td wrote

A lot of rude comments in this thread. Do try to keep it civil. I’d rather not lock it.


[deleted] t1_j3mi18m wrote

But it made some sports ball people from the suburbs happy so it was probably worth it


Dumbledore27 t1_j3yj7up wrote

No lie, I thought it was a terrorist attack.