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TheSausageKing t1_j307apv wrote

I don't get all the negativity towards the police. Are the issues with policing? Definitely. But a bloody guy with a machete was running around. This is exactly why we have CPD and it's not an easy job on calls like this.


S_thyrsoidea t1_j30tzaj wrote

I say this as someone very inclined to believe the CPD, but: as of right now, we only have their say-so that the guy with the machete rushed them. There have been many, many cases of police shooting people fleeing them, and then subsequently lying about the shot person having been attacking them when they opened fire, and even some proven cases of police planting weapons afterwards to substantiate bogus claims.

That's the reason there's all this negativity towards the police. Because police have been caught so many time lying about "having" to shoot someone who "attacked" them, who, evidence later revealed, had done nothing of the sort.

But like I said, my inclination is to trust CPD because they are CIT trained, and I've seen them handle mental ill people in trouble with skill and gentleness. I hope I am not proved wrong to have that faith in them.


TheSausageKing t1_j32xez2 wrote

I think we should start by assuming they're doing their jobs. While there are a lot of shady PDs, CPD does a good job overall.

There's body cam footage, witnesses, and physical evidence, and the DA is investigating. If those show suspicious things, then the cops should be questioned. If not, let's support the people who have to respond to calls of machete wielding attackers jumping out of windows.


some1saveusnow t1_j3pzecm wrote

Social media has hijacked the minds of the topically uninformed on so many issues, and either displaced the truth with inaccuracy or exaggerated viral stories into believing they are statistical norm. Progressives have also fallen victim to this, in the case of police conduct at large in the USA, as a whole. What you’re hearing in this sub on this issue could not be a clearer example of that, and it’s the reaction in nearly every liberal city’s sub whenever an issue involving mortal police enforcement ever arises no matter what the circumstances and no matter what evidence has been brought to light.