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littleprettypaws t1_j51njqm wrote

Reply to comment by Exciting_Ad_2371 in CPD shooting by unclechuqule

If a mentally unstable person is coming at me with a fucking machete, I’m going to do everything I can to protect myself.


Exciting_Ad_2371 t1_j51o7q5 wrote


Cops have an obligation to avoid lethal force, but the thing is that they’re sopping bitches who aren’t held accountable and have no integrity whatsoever, and therefore have free reign to murder even when someone has their back turned, and shit eating gullible bitches like you excuse it

Gfy piglicker


littleprettypaws t1_j51okwf wrote

Are you able to have a conversation without it devolving into childish insults? Really mature.


Exciting_Ad_2371 t1_j51oxkq wrote

Piglickers don’t deserve respect, gfy and get a spine you piece of slime