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prekiUSA t1_j4ssrbu wrote



MattD OP t1_j4sy1k8 wrote

I considered it. It'd be 45 mins each way. I'm not sure what the shower situation is or I'd need an e bike so I don't sweat. The main reason why not is that 28 scares the crap out of me and the northern strand path goes too far east. If 28 had a separated bike lane, I'd be all for trying.


safetyguys t1_j4t37un wrote

I ride from oak grove to Kendall in the warmer months. I take the bike path from Malden to 99 into Sullivan sq. Then main st Charlestown, go under the zakim and come out around museum of science. Not a bad ride and far less scary than 28. Takes me about 30 mins. I ride pretty fast though.


nattarbox t1_j4vhp5g wrote

Leave yourself 20 minutes to cool down with an iced coffee before heading into the office, practice slow biking on the way in, and get a pannier or other bag attached to the frame instead of your back. you can usually get away with just a change of shirt.

or yeah an electric bike / scooter.


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j4t22la wrote

Broadway to alford street bridge is bike lanes all the way - if there's a good way to get there (is the Malden River Greenway a thing?) it could be an alternate bike route.

Might be a good way to save some parking money even if you don't do it every time.


MattD OP t1_j4t69lh wrote

Are there bike lanes on Cambridge Street to Washington Street? I remember that there are through Union Square but not sure about the roads leading up to it.


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j4tlg0e wrote

Yup, the whole route Cambridge side has bike lanes (but about 50-50 paint vs separated)