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vhalros t1_j7pjomj wrote

> I know from a general economic standpoint there is an idea that condos do not appreciate as well as SFH and are not as solid of an investment.

This doesn't seem to apply to this market at all.

> People also have issues with HOAs, noise, etc.

Potentially a problem. My condo just has two units, and so I am most of the HOA. It still means the other owners can veto new projects, but managing something like this is pretty essay.

Noise; nailed down hardwood floors are going to conduct a lot of noise, and there generally isn't a lot of sound proofing in older construction. New construction or recently renovated stuff can be better, but it is difficult to evaluate. You should definitely ask about what sound proofing ha been done.

Shared walls, as opposed to shared floors, are easier to soundproof generally. Mostly because they don't have people stomping on them.

> Any regrets not moving to an inner suburb instead?

Everything has plusses and minuses. But no, not really. I love being able to walk and bicycle with my kids every where more than anything I would gain from a suburb.