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JohnBeLucky t1_j9ex5mp wrote

Seriously? Not all of us live in biking distance and many of us drive our loved ones to work. The city exists for cars too.


albertogonzalex t1_j9exj01 wrote

Then drive and deal with the chaos! Or have your loved ride a bike with you - even more fun.

I'm not saying to ban cars. But don't go around complaining because the worst transportation option has the expected effect on congestion. If you want to drive, drive! But don't go around complaining that it's congested with traffic. You are traffic!


Competitive_Bat4000 t1_j9f1ihw wrote

It had nothing to do with transportation/congestion it was the idiot cops that decided it made sense to stop both lanes of traffic because people were trying to pull into the garage.

Right lane turns into the garage, left lane we are all going straight, why stop both.


albertogonzalex t1_j9f6uua wrote

Who knows! That's the whole point. You may even be wrong about why traffic was stopped in the first place. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter.

Cars inherently create traffic. If you don't want to have to worry about traffic -- ever -- ride a bike. If you insist on driving a car, don't complain about congestion! It's like going sailing and complaining that you're getting splashed!


And, before the "oh, but I need a car because of XYZ reason" -- great, I think you should drive then! But, the overwhelming majority of people driving cars on city roads are doing so out of "convenience" (which, to me, is more just laziness becasue it's not convenient being traffic and causing congestion all day!). So, let's do everything we can to get people who use cars-of-convenince off the roads on on public transit, on bikes, or on foot -- it's better for everyone.