Submitted by Output-square9920 t3_11dn4km in CambridgeMA

Does anyone have experience with getting their young healthy dog neutered in the area? I've gotten a quote around $850, not including bloodwork or a preop appointment, in Boston and Sommerville, which seems outrageous.

Having worked at a vet's office in a high COL area about 10 years ago, the cost for everything (surgery, anesthesia, meds, preop, 1/2 day hospital stay) was MAX $350. Even with inflation, more than double the cost for a 15 minute procedure makes no sense to me.

Is this truly the going rate for the area? Has something substantial changed in veterinary medicine in the last decade that explains the cost?



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frojoe27 t1_ja9nhck wrote

$710 just over one year ago in Belmont if you want a point of comparison. For a 1 year old 50 lbs dog including blood work and post op medication. About 20% more after this past year is probably about right.

I think high volume clinics do it for a fraction of that price like 100-200 but it seems the local owns you have to qualify as low income.


Output-square9920 OP t1_ja9pmed wrote

Thanks for the information and the comparison. The $850 didn't include the cost of bloodwork and a preop appointment (another $300). I definitely want to pay the fair market value as veterinary medicine is a tough job, but this seems to go beyond that.


frojoe27 t1_ja9rex3 wrote

Yea seems pretty high then. Unless something has changed in the past year though there is way more demand for vets than supply, with many not taking new pets. So they may feel they can kind of charge whatever they want.


GoldenKiwi1018 t1_jaa0cnf wrote

How much does your dog weigh? We have a 25 lb dog and it cost us around $550 all in last year. We got quotes up to $1k though.

There are low cost vouchers you can get to redeem at certain vets but we opted to pay a few extra hundred to go to our regular vet, who our dog adores and is closer by.


ik1nky t1_jaalzg8 wrote

That's about the going rate in the area, but if you're able to drive outside of the city, it should get significantly cheaper.


ct20132009 t1_jaaqq9j wrote

Paid around 900 last thanksgiving for a golden retriever, so your quote seems reasonable. You do pay for what you get…the vet called multiple times post surgery to check in and was very responsive throughout the process with questions and concerns.


defenestron t1_jad1o8n wrote

>Is this truly the going rate for the area? Has something substantial changed in veterinary medicine in the last decade that explains the cost?

There's a few things happening here:

  1. High cost of doing business in the Boston area (as others have pointed out, the price drops off once you get outside of 495)
  2. There's a nationwide shortage of veterinary workers which has also driven up costs

Your best bet is to search outside the city as others have suggested. Animal Rescue League and the MSPCA do offer subsidized spay and neuter services but both have months long waiting lists and limit their services by income, breed (e.g pit mixes), and/or zip code of residence.


aryaussie85 t1_jae7o38 wrote

I’d also look into pet insurance to see if they’d cover part or all of the procedure.