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Critical_Ad6764 t1_jbzqugf wrote

You can go to HCPSS web site and click Schools and see the demographic profile for each one. They are updated annually.


nollieTreManny t1_jbzvtkm wrote

Definitely use the link someone else posted to verify, but historically, Oakland Mills, Long Reach, and Wilde Lake are the most diverse high schools


LonoXIII t1_jbzy2fd wrote

The link others gave provides you the info but I took the high schools and put them into a diversity index calculator.

The five most diverse high schools are:

  • Atholton
  • Hammond
  • Long Reach
  • Reservoir
  • Howard

That being said, almost all HCPSS schools rank pretty decently for diversity. What you'll find in the "mid-range" diversity schools is there's an inverse relationship between Black & Latino students versus White & Asian. If one pair accounts for the majority of the school, then usually they outnumber the other pair 2-3 to 1.

The one high school that is different is Glenelg. It's almost 2/3 a single race/ethnicity; while it still has some diversity, it scores notably lower than the rest of the county on an index calculator.


LonoXIII t1_jc2q3l3 wrote

Did some more calculations.

The five most diverse middle schools are:

  • Mayfield Woods
  • Bonnie Branch
  • Oakland Mills
  • Elkridge Landing
  • Dunloggin

The least diverse, with 2/3 of it's student body a single race/ethnicity, is Glenwood.


brch01 t1_jbzqxke wrote

I’d say any except Glenelg


k0vi86 t1_jc0256y wrote

Love these no context click bait posts. Hcpss is overall pretty diverse.


No-Organization6449 t1_jbzxfnt wrote

What is your specific definition of "diverse". For the Howard County Board of Education and Superintendent, it only means black and hispanic. Morons are running the system.


MD_Suave t1_jc087d9 wrote

Instead of a focus on diversity, maybe education should be a priority. Columbia is diverse.


descartes_blanche t1_jc0vboy wrote

Diversity is educational. Learning about and alongside cultures, perspectives and experiences different from ones own is an invaluable life skill.

Catcher in the Rye and Pre-Calc are the same thing you can get anywhere


MD_Suave t1_jcdmd5k wrote

If you believe that a the education between a school in a city and a school in Howard county are the same, you may need some more education. Diversity is good, but education is better.

Columbia was built to be a very diverse town all the way back in the 70's when It was planned. I don't live in collumbia and don't prefer it, but I also went to school at long reach and I can tell you I was a minority(white) in my high school. (First graduating class of Long Reach) I don't think of it as a bad thing.


descartes_blanche t1_jcdrs8n wrote

I never said I believed that "a city" school was the same as a HoCo school, just like white students were not the minority at Long Reach when you claim to have graduated (98?). Additionally, Columbia was planned in the 60s since it was founded in '69.

HoCo schools are good because they were built with diversity in mind. Since they all served diverse socio-economic communities, sharing and allocating resources across the county actually took place and there's not really any bad schools.

Therefore, it's apparent that OP feels that an education received at any Columbia school is relatively equal, and wants to factor in diversity into their choice of school, as another family might factor in athletics and another theater.

You coming out against considering diversity, then claiming to be a white minority using anecdotal evidence kind of illustrates a certain kind of thinking that this family is probably hoping to avoid.

I would recommend Hammond