Submitted by morgansaturn t3_11tw01y in ColumbiaMD

We’re about to buy a home and looking for a thorough, very competent home inspector. Two sets of friends recently bought homes and I was amazed the home inspectors had done such a poor job — they didn’t check everything, didn’t look carefully for water stains, etc. They both did superficial inspections and our friends paid $$$ for fixes afterward.

Since the realtor picked them, I’m guessing they didn’t want to hold up a sale. I’d like to use an inspector independent of my agent.



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bobcat7781 t1_jcl61oc wrote

Highland Home Inspectors - very honest and thorough.


Zinnathana t1_jcm30ja wrote


We used HHI when buying our home a year ago. We didn't find any missed problems over the past year, so it would seem the inspector was thorough. Definitely recommend.


ravens40 t1_jcl650w wrote

Last year I used Highland Home Inspection (right here in Columbia). It depends which inspector you get. I did two inspections with them. The first guy was awesome and very thorough for a townhouse I had to back out of because of numerous problems he found. The second guy from Highland was not thorough and I ended up buying the house and there were a few things that were not found (luckily nothing hugely major).

Suffice to say a good home inspector can save you so much money and headaches.


morgansaturn OP t1_jcl7ov6 wrote

Do you happen to have the name of the guy who did a good job?


littledeebee1 t1_jcok1rk wrote

I would not recommend Highland. When we moved here they inspected our house for us and totally missed that there were water stains on the basement ceiling under the washer (seemed very obvious to me) as well as several other items that would not pass code. They were worthless!


mynamesafad t1_jcl6due wrote

Used this guy twice and he is fantastic. Andy is incredibly thorough


cybexcybex t1_jcph8uy wrote

Another recommendation for Andy Warde. We used him on three homes. He's incredibly thorough, his reports are detailed, and his service worth the cost. Have used other inspectors on other homes when Andy was busy and they've never been as good as he is.


SquigglySquiddly t1_jclky09 wrote

We used Prospex last time and were very pleased. Guy spent 5 hours on the inspection (5k square feet). Extremely thorough


TEdwards_Homes t1_jdenhsd wrote

What companies did your friends use so we all know to avoid them?

Also I am a realtor and never have I been involved in the inspection findings so I’m confused by your statement.