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seekingpolaris t1_jddd1gn wrote

This has already been in place for a while though? Why is CBS saying it's effective March 31?


a97jones t1_jddox1a wrote

how is this not discrimination based on age?


CrochetObsessed t1_jdds27d wrote

Businesses do have the right to refuse service as long as they don’t violate federal laws to do so. The federal civil rights act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, and national origin. The Americans with disabilities act prohibits discrimination based on disabilities. Businesses do have the right to refuse service based on age.


planthousebuildtree t1_jddtatq wrote

I'm not a pearl clutching WASPy suburban caricature but I was at the mall several Fridays ago and yes the teenagers were out of control. Most of their mobbing happens in/around Main Event and the food court. I take my kid to Main Event a lot but we're gonna avoid going there on Fri. and Sat. for a while now.


Particular_Ad3204 t1_jde1hx0 wrote

Good! Their parents brought these little assholes into the world, now let them take some responsibility for their shitty behavior when they screw things up.


HowCanThisBeMyGenX t1_jdelhu4 wrote

This is true. I myself haven’t seen anything too bad with teens at the mall. There is a ton of marijuana stench around the entrances which has been increasing. If teens are behaving poorly at the mall, then there needs to be more mall security to clear up zones of mischief. I don’t mind teens at malls honestly - I think it’s a comfortable safe place for teens to hang out. There are other places in Columbia too - library branches, community centers, fitness centers, there are YMCA branches, and tons of park spaces.


vbwullf t1_jdequ47 wrote

You are right, as kids we learned really well at the end of a belt. Some may say that it's child abuse. I say they are wrong there is discipline and child abuse. Putting our kids in time out are we teaching them that you do wrong you just get put away for a while w/ 3 squares and a cot? That's what happens in jail.... And then some!

I say bring back corporal punishment at home. Our parents were right in giving us well deserved whoppings and making sure we understood what we did wrong when we got them. Now adays you do wrong, you get rewarded. What's to learn?


ubermuffins t1_jdf7q5g wrote

This hurt my inner child that would be at the mall almost daily in high school :(


Beamarchionesse t1_jdfi1ef wrote

They won't. I mean, they will, for about a month or two. They'll harass teenagers who "look" suspicious. Then they'll harass the wrong kids too many times, the kind with parents who start talking about lawyers. One will get too rough with a kid who wasn't actually doing shit and it'll get filmed and end up on this same news site.

They put these policies in all the time. They never last long.


Farmer-Francis t1_jdfkju6 wrote

Teacher, here. In AACPS, not HCPSS. At our middle school, we have constant fights, recording of fights, gang related activity, weapon carrying, harassment of one another and adults, and just general assholeishness. I know that kids need a place other than school and home to hang out, but a LOT of the activity that I see on a daily basis from my students today would have been a straight trip to a JDC when I was their age.

I don’t have a solution aside from a societal shift that feels impossible, but I understand why the businesses at the mall don’t want this happening outside of their shops.


JollyJoeGingerbeard t1_jdfmtpu wrote

Having parents chaperone kids belonging to a "shitty generation" isn't going to solve any problems.

Who do you think raised them?

There's always somebody who thinks the teens of the day are shitty with no respect for others. But as evergreen as that is, I think you're missing the bigger point.

Honestly, why should they respect their elders? I was a freshman at River Hill when Columbine happened. These kids have grown up in a world where not nearly enough of their parents and grandparents give a damn to give them a better world than that. Some of them are the same age as the children from Sandy Hook. My eldest has been running through active shooter drills since she was 3, and that both infuriates me and breaks my heart.

Drugs and gangs aren't anything new. They've always been there. They've stopped hiding because they want you to notice.


anidulafungin t1_jdfqpi2 wrote

I find it hilarious that people are getting mad at the mall for doing this, instead of getting mad at the parents of the children/teens that engage in this. Way to ruin it for all the children/teens (and their parents) that don't engage in this behavior.


anidulafungin t1_jdfrtl0 wrote

If I were to guess, probably the rise in social media has to deal with some of the change, because there is a much wider audience now. In the past if you were a kid who did something "edgy", the rest of the kids would just think you're a moron. Nowadays you can film your escapades and put it on the internet in the name of content creation, and other moron kids can like it and cheer you on.

Vast majority of kids/teens are fine. Social media enables the 5% of morons to get fame, and encourage other moron kids/make certain things look socially acceptable.


Neracca t1_jdg2v4p wrote

My reply was literally stated in the article. By not knowing that fact you have confirmed that you did not read the article.

Your comments are not valid as you have demonstrated you do not have knowledge on the topic.


KodakDC t1_jdg83xl wrote

No, you obviously didn't before you made a bunch of your holier-than-thou comments. It's all good though, I bet you're the type of smart ass that can NEVER admit when they're wrong.


JollyJoeGingerbeard t1_jdg8qli wrote

Oh, come off it. Don't come at me like that with your self-righteous bullshit.

Curfews have been enacted in malls across this country since at least the late 90s. And there's no actual evidence they help curbing the behavior you find so abhorrent. It's just supposedly good for retailers.

You don't care what these kids do. You just don't want it where you can see and hear it. NIMBY, right?

It's irresponsible.


emleh t1_jdh70vz wrote

The truth is that kids have always hung out at the mall, often in large groups, and many times, causing issues. When I was growing up, everyone was concerned about the skaters at the mall and the lakefront, in particular. The bell tower was removed from the dock because people would climb up there, have sex and do drugs. Kids stole from the stores a lot and when the arcade was there, there were always huge groups outside smoking weed & fighting. I wouldn’t say this is a new problem; just a new demographic of kids doing it.


therealcatspajamas t1_jdhhoxp wrote

Probably for the best. These kids aren’t buying anything anyway. Just making the experience worse for everyone else.


tacitus59 t1_jdhkw41 wrote

Possibly - also there are more kids who live nearby than there use to be. And weird shit did occassionally happen at the mall even in the 80s.

Also, main event seems to be problematic.


dissociateinchief t1_jdiahr1 wrote

This will do nothing to curb shoplifting and just result in massive drops in patronage. Idiots.

The malls that do this end up failing even faster... Amazon is already outcompeting you... Why do this. Lol. Malls are already more expensive we come for the social experience and 75% of them is teens.


vbwullf t1_jdjlb3b wrote

There was but not as much as what's going on today perpetrated by minors. Yea the population expanded, and stuff happens doesn't mean they get to be little shits to everyone. If you don't put them in check they may just get put in check by the wrong one.


whoopsiedaisy66 t1_jdk80hz wrote

There are so many rude and hateful teens at the mall, I was shopping for my mom last week and a group of black teens kept following us and screaming "ayo excuse me" for literally no reason. When I asked them to stop they called me a "stupid B****" and laughed and one spit at me. I stress this was for literally NO reason! I was rly uncomfortable and scared. Teens have always gone to the mall but now the demographics have changed and they are all black and they have a more violent culture. I do everything to give them the benefit of the doubt but they act like animals and their parents don't care at all.


Spydergirl1 t1_jdl2qla wrote

You are absolutely 100% correct. There have been many attacks on innocent people. I know of a woman and her young son that were attacked in the Wilde Lake shopping center parking lot last year. Unprovoked attack, there are police reports to prove it, but media doesn’t discuss it. Columbia is becoming very unsafe and I’ve lived here for almost 25 years.


ChanceSiscoTheRapper t1_jdl6rp8 wrote

Yeah I’m sympathetic to those who, at first blush, want to say “kids being kids”, but back in the day it was high school kids and it didn’t involve intimidating and harassing adults and kids alike. There’s 12 yos mobbing stores and getting in fights. I have a 12 yo, there’s nothing normal about that behavior for 5th and 6th graders.


ChanceSiscoTheRapper t1_jdl7akw wrote

Especially since the Mall is struggling post-COVID and lost many upscale stores. It’s teetering on an edge and having a reputation for tolerating antisocial behavior is just going to push affluent shoppers elsewhere.


Big_Specialist9046 t1_jdltvty wrote

Yup. That’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about or admit. It’s a certain demographic of people that are causing the issues here. I grew up here, been living here since 1989 and it’s gotten progressively worse with the influx of people of that particular demographic. Many exhibit violent, lawless behavior and many are racists that hate white people. Our extremely left wing government officials have hamstrung the police, they aren’t allowed to enforce the law on these people because they don’t want to appear “racist”. This is a slope heading downwards unfortunately. I really do fear for my young kids growing up here


tacitus59 t1_jdlwmox wrote

Yes ... didn't really want to go here; but as a society kids are not being taught repercussions of bad behavior and at bit later when they get in real trouble. Its OK to steal, assault and trash peoples property and this behavior tends not to go away for a long time (if ever). And even if juvenile justice does get involved - there is no public visibility - so we really don't know if its working or not.


rook119 t1_jdp1uty wrote

On Thursday these 2 teenagers came into Bibibop and only bought 1 cup unapologetically taking advantage of the unlimited frozen yogurt machine. THERE ARE RULES PEOPLE


peppermintfox t1_jdrpcjq wrote

The last few times I went to the mall there are always a large group of teenagers who will play fight or watch these people play fight. I know it’s not malicious as they are laughing, and they are just pushing, but they end up blocking parts of the mall. It’s tends to be the food court or the area around Spencer’s.

I’ve been nearly knocked into by these teens because they are simply not thinking about their surroundings.