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penultimateNoob OP t1_itobck2 wrote

ugh... sorry for not checking my emails, but thanks for the info for another WLC meetup on 11/10, will give that a shot! Also going to tomorrow's at hclibrary, maybe see you there! btw, ich heiße Todd.


Troophead t1_itqc097 wrote

No problem, good to hear back from you! I can't make HCLibrary tonight, since my German class meets on Tuesdays of all things, but I definitely look forward to the WLC meetup on Thursday, 11/10! I'm gonna see if I can get anyone else from my German class to show up too. :D


penultimateNoob OP t1_itr8moo wrote

What is the class you are taking?

I'm gonna skip out on tonight as well, caught a cold last week (not covid) and need to get some rest/sleep.


Troophead t1_iu05he8 wrote

Hope you feel better! We're getting towards the end of my class, since it's a fall semester beginner German class at a local college. If you're ready to practice conversational German, you definitely know everything from the class already. :)