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Flying-Bulldog t1_is57oo9 wrote

Dude shut up. My dog has anxiety and is very reactive because of past issues before we adopted him. I have every right to use the same public space as you. My dog deserves to be in a socialized environment. If you’ve got the issue because you’re scared that a dog is reacting, maybe you’re the one that should take the back way.


cajunhokie t1_is593j7 wrote

If you don’t want to deal with the responsibility of having a dog with a bad past then you shouldn’t have adopted.

I’ve raised pit bulls that have had pasts as fighting dogs. They are incredibly difficult to socialize. As a result I took a lot of measure and care when taking them out in public. People should have reasonable expectation of not being lunged at by a dog when using the sidewalk. Maybe you should shut up and take responsibility as a dog owner instead of acting entitled.


ResponsibleAd4479 OP t1_is580pl wrote

You do have the right to use the public space, your dog does not have the right to threaten others in one. You are responsible for your dog. I am not.

Besides that, having them randomly run into strangers is not the way to help the dog with their anxiety. An environment with people in it doesn't magically give your dog socialization skills.


Flying-Bulldog t1_is583t9 wrote

Yea and if he’s growling or barking in his space but you’re still scared, that is a you problem. Sounds like you need the training, not the dog


ResponsibleAd4479 OP t1_is58sl1 wrote

You're really not helping your case here, but you do you


Flying-Bulldog t1_is58xjb wrote

Yes I will do me. You literally didn’t even have to move in your scenario. You just kept walking. How exactly were you affected then except to come on Reddit being a Karen and then expecting validation


cajunhokie t1_is597sb wrote

You sound like an owner that forgets to feed his dog all to often.


Legitimate-Produce-1 t1_is5ffn6 wrote

I'm not a dog person. I'm terrified of them since I've been attacked in the past, however, I completely agree with you. Where are you supposed to go? If I see a dog on my path, I move tf put of the way, and give a wide enough berth to not be reached by a properly restrained dog.

It's the assholes who just let their dogs walk and run off leash that I take issue with. Guy at Lake Kittamaqundi with your big ass dog frolicking free to do as it pleases: use the damn leash!!