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SquirrelFoods t1_itodv3e wrote

Why do this instead of just having a petition for people to sign? Actually I'd like the blockade on Cuba to end. I've signed petitions about it and written letters to various representatives about it. The blockade is just this relic of the Cold War and it's keeping the economy of the whole Caribbean down. Probably Mexico too. I think the blockade is perpetuating the situation in Cuba. But asking for the blockade to end because you love socialism is crazy. Ask for it to end because you love free trade and capitalism. All of those other members of the UN see a potential economic powerhouse, a former economic powerhouse that could be vital again. A Singapore of the West. They don't want to end the blockade to help the cause of socialism.


FranciscoSolanoLopez OP t1_itoh2fc wrote

Petitions are certainly a good thing but what we're doing specifically is joining the week of action that is leading up to the UN vote on the blockade of Cuba. This is just one of many actions taking place all over the country, including a rally and march in New York City on the 29th and a rally in DC on November 2nd. You can find a full list on the website.

And you're right, you don't have to be a socialist to support an end to the blockade! The call to action's specific demands are:

·end the blockade against Cuba ·tale Cuba off Washington's list of state sponsors of terrorism ·End all U.S. anti-Cuba economic and travel sanctions