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Exciting-Rub-6006 t1_itsvjqg wrote

I saw most of their debate.

Ball > kittlemen but I don’t see any hidden racist whistle dog w kittlemen

The crime fear platform doesn’t really work in Howard county but neither does their anti abortion or election was stolen platform so I guess he went with crime


freecain t1_itt88us wrote

I agree - I don't think it's racism (coded or otherwise) in the advertisement. That said - the idea that Columbia is getting more dangerous does have serious racist undertones when you look at the comments section on Nextdoor or Facebook anytime a crime happens. I do think Kittleman is tapping into that sentiment and fear stoking - but that is what his base wants.

It's somewhat depressing that Balls' rebuttal add is effectively "I've increased the police force, Columbia isn't unsafe - and hey democrats - I spent money on education." Personally, I was hoping for more from Ball the last few years - but the answer isn't Kittleman who I think caused a lot of issues that we will probably be unraveling decades from now.


cornonthekopp t1_ittrc4m wrote

> tapping into that sentiment and fear stoking

If its a message that taps into “racist undertones” then its a dogwhistle


Kelvin62 t1_itt9uos wrote

Some of Kittleman's instagram ads look racist to me.


obidamnkenobi t1_itvl46u wrote

Agree. Big, desaturated picture of a black man, and text: "crime is up!" (even though it's lower than 3 years ago)..? Yeah we who you're talking to here