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freecain t1_itt8l5t wrote

Reply to comment by setho212 in Kittleman ads on TV by GingerMan027

'He made the calculation: The biggest complaint a lot of people had about Kittleman was that he was basically giving the greenlight to anything developers wanted. By turning down the campaign contributions, any time the damage he did while Exec his supporters can just say "He's not accepting Developer money, so that's not true." That was worth more than developer money. Personally I'm not falling for it - but I can see how that would sway some people who aren't impressed by Calvin Ball and don't realize some of the issues they attribute to Ball are directly the result of Kittleman.


setho212 t1_itt8y5l wrote

That’s essentially the thrust of the Kittleman campaign. Blast Ball and deflect from everything Kittleman did while in office.