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Rashaverik t1_iujcn81 wrote

If you watch any of the meetings, it's just a sad mess.

You have a group of old seniors, that are unprepared and seem to just attend the meeting to be confrontational. They give that vibe where they'd yell at you the second your kid's ball landed in their yard and you walked over to pick it up.

Watching Dick Boulton and Alan Klein in action, makes you wish COVID had hit the area a little harder. Brian England sits staring into space on his video feed. I sometimes wonder if he's dead, but then he mutters something incomprehensible and usually doesn't know what's actually going on. Then you have Eric Greenberg who just falls in line with the Old White Guy posse.

How the CEO hasn't quit at this point is beyond me.

I'm getting older and I firmly believe you limit the age of the people involved in some of these elected positions. Yes it's ageism. Leave this in the hands of the younger members in the CA community that are going to be affected by these decisions long after most of these people on the Board are long dead.

Oh hey...lets not even mention the total lack of diversity on the Board.

Mad respect for Janet Evans. If you ever watch the recording of the meeting where they voted her out of the Chairperson seat. It was just sad. She's one of the few knowledgeable and hardworking members of the Board that is always prepared and knows what's going on.