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imani_TqiynAZU t1_ivuf1ti wrote

Is there a counterpoint to this article?


Critical_Ad6764 t1_ivufgpi wrote

Good question. I wonder what the CA Board will say in response. I’m most troubled by the fact that they have hired separate legal counsel that’s being paid for with our assessment dollars.


MinimumAnalysis5378 t1_ivxon2c wrote


Several-Housing2092 t1_ivxprgq wrote

That blog post is full of shadowy conspiracy theories and seems to be an attempt to deflect from the real story of the conflict between the CA board and Lakey Boyd. I recognize the blogger wants to defend her friend who asked a question that was, at a minimum, ill-advised and that sparked this whole kerfuffle, but the bigger story of the the board is too important to have it dragged into this petty personal drama.


MinimumAnalysis5378 t1_ivxqhvl wrote

There is a difference between a “shadowy conspiracy theory” and pointing out a lack of transparency. The Washington Post never runs an article about Amazon without stating that they are owned by Jeff Bezos. If the owners of a medium have an interest in the outcome of a dispute, that should be apparent.


Several-Housing2092 t1_ivxx0z3 wrote

The WaPo/Amazon reference is completely irrelevant. The writer of the Fishbowl piece is part owner of that website but has no financial stake in either of the organizations discussed in the piece. But when you can’t attack the message (that CA’s board dysfunction is harming the organization and community) you attack the messenger.


hocohappy OP t1_ivygdi6 wrote

Thank you for posting this. I just read this and was about to post too. It appears to be a counterpoint of sorts, I suppose.

This piece basically just smears the author without covering the main issue at hand: the CA board is a mess.

The blogger ‘defends’ her friend but the blog barely covers the utter ineptitude of the CA board.

She also pulls in the Rouse Project for a smearing, which has literally nothing to do with the almost-evil ineptness of the board—except that the people involved with the RP were trying to run against these ethically-ambiguous, doddering old white folks.

Like, feel free smear shit everywhere if you want to, blogger-lady, but maybe you should cover actual issues too.

Edited to add: someone DMed me to say that this blogger is paid by inner arbor. What a goddamned mess.


johngordonboyle t1_iw130ma wrote

My understanding is that she is not paid: she does her programming free of charge.