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hocohappy OP t1_ivygdi6 wrote

Thank you for posting this. I just read this and was about to post too. It appears to be a counterpoint of sorts, I suppose.

This piece basically just smears the author without covering the main issue at hand: the CA board is a mess.

The blogger ‘defends’ her friend but the blog barely covers the utter ineptitude of the CA board.

She also pulls in the Rouse Project for a smearing, which has literally nothing to do with the almost-evil ineptness of the board—except that the people involved with the RP were trying to run against these ethically-ambiguous, doddering old white folks.

Like, feel free smear shit everywhere if you want to, blogger-lady, but maybe you should cover actual issues too.

Edited to add: someone DMed me to say that this blogger is paid by inner arbor. What a goddamned mess.


johngordonboyle t1_iw130ma wrote

My understanding is that she is not paid: she does her programming free of charge.