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phejster t1_ixix8k4 wrote

I'm not up on the CA drama, why don't they like Lakey Boyd? The article says she has "widespread support... from association employees and community leaders."

Seems like someone you should keep around


phejster t1_ixixi97 wrote

"Since starting as CEO in June 2021, Boyd has, by her accounting, attended 150 stakeholder meetings and has spoken at more than 50 events. She has diversified programming and brought 55 nights of entertainment to Columbia’s main lakefront. She beat her budget by $10 million, distributed federal funds to save jobs, and has been a powerful voice for inclusion and equity, writing lengthy essays and promoting dialogue. "

Again, why are they trying to fire her?


GingerMan027 t1_ixiynm6 wrote

Allegedly she stopped them from giving orders to Columbia Assoc. employees.

Per the employees request.


crazycropper t1_ixizlul wrote

She's getting in the way of the board abusing their power. So the board doesn't like her. Makes sense in /r/aboringdystopia kind of way


phejster t1_ixjp8dd wrote

*Shocked* How dare she! Doesn't she know who they are?!" /s