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isthisavailable t1_ixh5daw wrote

“ Some community members have begun discussion a financial protest if Boyd is ousted. Former board member Jessamine Duvall raised the possibility of an organized effort whereby Columbia residents would withhold their annual homeowners’ fees in protest of board leadership decisions”

Would this actually accomplish anything? My fear is that the lower wage employees would be most impacted by this. This would make Lakey’s job harder, not the board’s. Also, other cost saving measures I’ve seen CA do is not open all pools and limit maintenance to open space.

I think showing continued support for Lakey and putting pressure on the board to make the right decision is most realistic. I’m sure there are better options out there. If the board ousts her, what qualified candidate would want to apply to a job that would require them to report a board like this? CA is shooting itself in the foot.


piranhas_really t1_ixhp4j8 wrote

How long are board member terms? With low turnout in these elections it should be easy to organize and throw the bums out.

Edit: looks like the terms are for two years and elections are going to be in April.


Critical_Ad6764 OP t1_ixi8nd8 wrote

Actually the terms vary by village. Some are one year and some are two.


LoooseyGooose t1_ixjz17i wrote

One would think...

There was an effort in 2020 to try to throw the bums out. Unfortunately, conspiracy minded folks on the left and right joined forces with the cronies on the board to wage an all out smear campaign against the challengers. It didn't matter what was true, as long as enough sh*t was thrown out there to keep the focus away from the horrible job they were doing.


JDommu t1_ixqkv4d wrote

Some villages have 1 year terms, others have 2 year terms.

Hickory Ridge, Oakland Mills, and Wilde Lake have 1 year term up for election every April.

Dorsey's Search, Kings Contrivance, Long Reach, and River Hill have 2 year terms up for election next in April 2023.

Harpers Choice, Owen Brown, and Town Center have 2 year terms up for election next in April 2024.


phejster t1_ixix8k4 wrote

I'm not up on the CA drama, why don't they like Lakey Boyd? The article says she has "widespread support... from association employees and community leaders."

Seems like someone you should keep around


phejster t1_ixixi97 wrote

"Since starting as CEO in June 2021, Boyd has, by her accounting, attended 150 stakeholder meetings and has spoken at more than 50 events. She has diversified programming and brought 55 nights of entertainment to Columbia’s main lakefront. She beat her budget by $10 million, distributed federal funds to save jobs, and has been a powerful voice for inclusion and equity, writing lengthy essays and promoting dialogue. "

Again, why are they trying to fire her?


GingerMan027 t1_ixiynm6 wrote

Allegedly she stopped them from giving orders to Columbia Assoc. employees.

Per the employees request.


crazycropper t1_ixizlul wrote

She's getting in the way of the board abusing their power. So the board doesn't like her. Makes sense in /r/aboringdystopia kind of way


phejster t1_ixjp8dd wrote

*Shocked* How dare she! Doesn't she know who they are?!" /s